Rest from the bustle of the city in Georgia - Kvariati village. Sea and mountain holidays in one place. Review for tourists.

Kvariati is a small Georgian village on the Black Sea coast, located near the Turkish border. The pretty and sunny resort is famous for its beach, the length of which is as much as 1000 meters. Entertainment, diving, clean and fresh air makes this place attractive for tourists.

Holidays in Kvariati⬇️


The village of Kvariati is small and is located on the Black Sea coast. It is located 15,000 m from Batumi, and only 3 km from the border with Turkey. The small settlement is part of the Batumi district. These territories are different from each other. First of all, the beach area, as well as opportunities for leisure activities and the number of vacationers.

The most comfortable conditions have been created for tourists. After all, hotel complexes are most often located near the seashore.

Kvariati Review

The resort town is located not far from the Kakhaber lowland, on both sides flows the river of the same name – Kvariati. The beach area is quite wide, its length is 1000 meters. There are much fewer residents than in Batumi, and the coastline is practically the same: the same pebbles, passing from large to small. It is better to swim in special shoes.

The shores of the local beaches are deep enough, so such a type of recreation as diving is well developed. Residents claim that the sea here is much better than Batumi, and in the vicinity of the beaches, there are mountain ranges on which eucalyptus grows. The most beautiful photos of a small village can be found on the web. A significant advantage of the resort is that the highway runs far from it, thanks to this, excessive gas pollution of the city is excluded. The air in Kvariati is clean and fresh.

Entertainment in Kvariati

The resort settlement has the only diving club in the country. There are also standard beach activities, but usually all games, attractions, etc. are launched only during the season. In the north of the embankment there are many dance clubs, bars, restaurants and cafes.

Holidays in Kvariati are ideal for couples with children. According to tourists, in this village you can relax well, forgetting about the hustle and bustle of the city.


Historical information

According to the chronicles, the Adjarian southern territory belonged to an ancient tribe – the Lazs. In Kvariati and now they are, though it will not be possible to distinguish them from ordinary residents.

At first, the Georgian peoples inhabited the mountainous area, and then they began to descend to the shore and build their homes. Because of this, the resort village is divided into two parts: upper and lower. Over the past ten years, the village has developed and acquired its status.

Панорамный вид на Квариати

Hotels and accommodation in Kvariati

It depends only on tourists where they want to stay: in the mountains or near the sea. Obviously, the second option is most in demand. It is best for people who want to buy up thoroughly and families with children to settle near the embankment, that is, in the lower part of the village. And for those who like to take short runs or walks from the mountains to the seashore, the upper Kvariati will be the best option. There is also a beautiful view of the whole village from the hill. Living upstairs, you can take a lot of photos and shoot memorable videos.

A tourist can choose a housing option from the following:

  • hotel complex,
  • boarding house,
  • private or guest house,
  • apartment,
  • villa,
  • cottage.

Prices for a hotel in the mountains are much lower than near the seashore. After all, the upper part of Kvariati is far from the highway. However, it will be necessary to get to the bathing place through the mountains. This is an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with Georgian landscapes. It can be quite noisy near the highway.

Prices for hotels in Kvariati are much higher than in Batumi. The difference is from thirty to one hundred percent. To date, more than twenty hotels have been opened in the village. When choosing accommodation for a vacation, we advise you to read tourist reviews, and you also need to clarify what distance from the hotel complex to the sea. And it is better to book a hotel in advance.

In Kvariati, the rental of residential premises in the private sector is quite developed. Guest houses, rooms, apartments are rented everywhere. But you can walk from them to the sea for a long time. The owners are very hospitable to visitors, and with great pleasure they will tell you how to get to the seashore, which places you need to visit or which excursion is better to choose. Often, photos of private houses can be taken from the Internet and do not match what they saw. Keep this in mind when traveling. Often, the most popular rental housing options are already occupied in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to make a reservation at least six months before the visit. Plan your trip carefully. If you didn't manage to do it, then try to find a hostel, a budget hotel or a room that you can't count in Kvariati.

Номер в Лифт в хостеле Fabrika

How to get to the settlement?

First, it is better to get to Batumi, from which there is a direct bus or minibus. A trip by such types of transport takes about half an hour. The price of a bus trip is 0.8 lari or 20 rubles. A minibus costs 37 rubles, and a taxi costs 500 rubles.

If you come first to the capital of Georgia, then you will have to get to Batumi in any case. Because there are no direct buses or commuter trains to Kvariati from Tbilisi.

Батуми такси

Entertainment program

To be honest, the entertainment industry is poorly developed. Nevertheless, guests of the resort village of Kvariati will not be bored.

Recommendation. Vacation in the resort village, you can diversify with a trip to other cities. For example, you can visit Batumi, Tbilisi, Svaneti or go straight to Turkey. After all, the border with it is located very close, it can be reached on foot.

The choice of occupation is solely your prerogative. You can visit the shopping malls, get acquainted with the sights, natural areas and objects.

Interesting places located in the Kvariati district:

  1. Gonio-Apsaros fortress.
  2. Georgian Machakhela Park.
  3. Monuments, monuments, architectural structures of Batumi.
  4. The Turkish city of Trabzon.
  5. Waterfall of St. Andrew the First-Called.
  6. Sarp beach and Turkish Bazaar.
  7. Mahuntset Bridge.
  8. Tsikhisdziri beach massifs.
  9. Peter's Fortress.
  10. Kobuleti urban settlement.
  11. The village of Kemalpasha.

Sightseeing tours from hotels or villages are often organized to these places. In fact, you can visit them individually. To do this, you can use a minibus, bus or taxi.

Пляж Квариати

Gonio-Apsaros Castle

At 5000 m, from Kvariati there is an antique structure, which can be reached on foot or by bike. This fortress was founded many centuries ago, thanks to this it has a fascinating history and will be interesting to lovers of ancient buildings.

Крепость в Гонио

Sarpi Settlement

This locality is located near the Turkish border. It is a beautiful harbor with a pebble beach, which is recognized as one of the best in the Republic of Adjara. We also recommend visiting the Turkish Bazaar. Prices are nowhere cheaper, and the range of products is surprising.



Kobuleti is a clean and peaceful city designed for family holidays. There is no noise, city bustle. You won't see so many pine trees anywhere!

The seaside resort has many attractions. There are nature reserves, historical monuments and natural areas in the surrounding area:

  1. Botanical Garden.
  2. The ruins of the fortress of Peter.
  3. Mtirala is a national park.
  4. The ruins of the Gonio fortress.
  5. Kintrishi Nature Reserve.

In addition to these places, you can also visit mineral springs or take part in a bus tour "Mountains and waterfalls of Adjara". Not far from the city there is an amusement park – Tsitsinatela, in the evening you can have fun there for both children and adults.

Парк развлечений Цицинатела в Кобулети ночью

Peter's Fortress

After driving 15 km from Batumi, you can visit the ruins of the oldest building of Byzantine times. Hanging gardens attract many tourists. From the hill on which the building is located, a magnificent view opens. From the fortress, you can easily get to the seashore.

Петра крепость в Батуми

Georgian Machakhela Park

Connoisseurs of flora are recommended to visit an excursion to this place, which is located 30 km from Batumi, near the border. Rare plant species grow in the picturesque valley. The park is also known for its forests. The territory is famous for its gunsmiths. There is also a surveillance point with real weapons in the park area.

Фрагмент национального парка Мачахела

Mahuntset Bridge

The arched structure of the time of Queen Tamara is located 500 m from the famous waterfall. These attractions are popular among locals and tourists. You can get to the unique place from Batumi by bus or minibus. The trip will last about 40 minutes.

Мост Махунцети в Кеда с высоты птичьего полета

Waterfall of St. Andrew the First - Called

It is located near the highway between Kvariati and Sarpi. In this location there is not only a waterfall, but also a monument dedicated to this saint. You can get here on foot from the seaside resort in ten minutes.

Водопад Андрея Первозванного в Сарпи


In fact, the nature and architectural structures of Batumi have no direct purpose. Therefore, there is not much difference where to start exploring the city.

You can walk along the embankment along the seashore, explore the existing park complexes. Or start your journey by visiting the ancient city: its streets and squares.

You can start your vacation in Batumi with an amusement park, a visit to a dolphinarium, an aquapark. It is best to start having fun from 10 am. After all, all interesting places open at this time.

The famous Batumi Avenue is the sea coast, stretching for 7 km. Here tourists can rent a bicycle, relax on benches, look at picturesque sculptures, have lunch in various cafeterias. In the evening, fountains sing on the square against the background of glowing spotlights.

The funicular named "Argo" is one of the most memorable places in Batumi. His path runs over the city roofs, and "Argo" brings vacationers to the hill of Feria. The length of the cable car is 2.6 km. It is the longest in Europe. A ten-minute trip on the lift will allow you to admire the wonderful landscapes of the resort town and the seaport. All this is from a bird's–eye view.

During the summer season, you can enjoy the singing of Georgian musicians on the observation deck. There are also restaurants, cafes and souvenir kiosks.

Озеро Нуригель в парке 26 Мая в Батуми


Arriving here, you can immediately go sightseeing. There are quite a lot of them. Among them are the Hagia Sophia Monastery, mosques, the Temple of Panagia Sumela, the Russian Bazaar, the Museum of History, the Cathedral of St. Anna and the Castle of Trebizond.

Kvariati cafes and restaurants

The most popular place among tourists is a cottage institution – "Shells", located in the southern part of the beach massif. Here you can have a delicious meal, and at an adequate price. Thanks to this, the cafeteria is almost always filled with people, especially at lunchtime.

"Trout Bar" is a place with a modern and unique design. The cafe is located on Ioanna Laza Street. Inside and outside the establishment is very beautiful, thanks to the numerous vegetation and waterfalls, and there is also entertainment for guests – independent net fishing. And after a successful catch, the catch turns out to be prepared for you.

Every year, holidays on the beaches of Kvariati are becoming more and more popular with travelers and locals. Adjara sea resort attracts with its national culture, color, as well as the only diving in the country. It is impossible not to say about the mountain landscapes that fascinate. The settlement's hotel complexes delight guests with comfort, coziness and a welcoming atmosphere. If you still have doubts whether to go to Kvariati or not, then check out the reviews of tourists, of which there are a great many on different resources. As for the residents of Georgia themselves, they have long appreciated this wonderful place.

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  • G
    Недавно побывали в Квариати, и это место стало настоящим открытием! Сочетание гор и моря создает непередаваемую атмосферу спокойствия и умиротворения. Пляжи чистые, море прозрачное, а воздух пропитан ароматом эвкалиптов. Особенно понравилось, что здесь мало людей, и можно полностью отключиться от городской суеты. Советую всем, кто ищет уединенный отдых с красивейшими пейзажами.
  • Н
    Добро пожаловать в Квариати - уютное грузинское село на берегу Черного моря! Этот небольшой курорт известен своим прекрасным пляжем протяженностью в 1000 метров. Здесь вы сможете насладиться чистым воздухом, заняться дайвингом и окунуться в атмосферу прибрежного отдыха. Расположенный всего в 15 км от Батуми и вблизи турецкой границы, Квариати предлагает уникальные возможности для отдыха и развлечений. Приезжайте и окунитесь в мир природы и уюта у самого моря!
  • A
    Статья рассказывает о грузинском поселке Квариати, который привлекает туристов своими красивыми пляжами и живописными пейзажами, освещает главные достопримечательности поселка, такие как пляжи, рестораны и различные виды развлечений. Фотографии отражают красоту побережья и атмосферу Квариати. Также упоминается о возможностях для активного отдыха, таких как водные виды спорта. Для любителей пляжного отдыха и открытия новых курортных мест, эта статья предлагает полезную информацию и вдохновляет на посещение Квариати. Она поможет организовать свой отдых и максимально насладиться прелестями этого грузинского поселка.
  • J
    Да уж, Квариати - действительно разнообразный город! Автор так подробно рассказал о его развлечениях и особенностях, что захотелось даже прогуляться по этому городу! С высоты фуникулëра наверняка открываются восхитительные виды на природу... Водопады, мосты, парки, всë, что есть в этом городе, представленное в этой статье - очень интересно! Особенно мне понравились висячие сады - это что-то новенькое!
  • D
    Небольшое грузинское село Квариати? Вы серьёзно? Тут же по всем параметрам полноценный город выходит. Возможно, когда-то это и можно было назвать посёлком, но теперь-то там явно всё расстроилось намного больше. Скорее всего именно местных жителей там зарегистрировано не так много, вот они и не могут до сих пор перейти в статус города.
  • B
    Очень уютное и милое село Квариати находится на берегу Черного моря и граничит с Турцией. Этот солнечный курорт славится свои пляжем, протяженность которого составляет целых 1000 метров. Здесь есть всё для туристов, море, солнце и пляж. Множество интересных достопримечательностей, в общем посетить точно стоит этот курорт!
  • V
    Из этой статьи я поняла, что Квариати, более спокойный курорт, поселок, чем Кутаиси. Откровенно говоря, я больше предпочитаю не такие популярные курорты, а более тихие, менее престижные и, грубо говоря, которые дешевле. Квариати как раз таки находится далеко от Батуми, 15 тысяч километров все таки, думаю, не каждый доедет.
  • М
    КВАРИАТИ - язык не поворачивается назвать это поселком. Мы привыкли, что посёлок это что-то где бегают петухи по улицам, да коровы единственную дорогу переходят. Здесь же место, где можно полноценно провести отдых, неважно с детьми или вдвоем. Думаю, что для романтического отдыха паре, это место подойдет идеально.
  • В
    Да это именно отпуск мечты: пляж, белый песок, природа и сады... Можно только мечтать об этом. Будем честны, что каждый хочет туда отправиться. Квариати похож на кадр из фильма, где зелена и современность идёт рука об руку. Таких мест довольно мало, особенно сейчас в век высоких технологий. Да люди стремятся исправить отравление окружающей среды из-за заводов, газов и всего прочего. Посёлок место уединенное и именно там можно отдохнуть от всей этой городской суеты.