Kitchen Door Replacement: Professional Services and Do-It-Yourself Installation

Want to update the look of your kitchen? Learn how to replace doors in a kitchen set. Choose between professional services or do-it-yourself installation of new facades. Find out the steps for replacing doors and choosing the right materials. Create a harmonious interior that matches your preferences. Get quality results and upgrade your kitchen with ease.


  1. Option #1. Change the doors in the kitchen with your own hands
  2. Option #2. Order a full range of services for replacing doors in a furniture shop
  3. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Can I replace only the doors in a kitchen set without changing all the furniture?
    2. How do you choose the right doors for your kitchen set?
    3. Do I need to hire a professional to replace the doors?
    4. What are the basic steps for replacing doors in a kitchen set?
    5. What tools and materials are needed to replace the doors in a kitchen set?

When there is a need to replace the doors in the kitchen, two options are presented: completely entrust the work to the masters or measure and install the new fronts yourself. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

In the first case, ordering work from experienced craftsmen, you can be sure of a professional approach to the task. They will undertake all stages of the process, starting with the measurement and ending with the installation of new doors. Of course, this option may be more expensive, but it ensures high quality and saves you time and effort.

However, if you have a penchant for do-it-yourself projects and are willing to get your hands on one, the second option may be more appealing. You can take your own measurements, choose the right fronts and install them on your kitchen cabinets. This requires certain skills and tools, but you'll end up with a customized result that matches your preferences.

In both cases, it is important to consider your kitchen's style, materials and colors to create a harmonious and functional interior. Before making a decision, contact professionals for advice and guidance. Choose the approach that best suits your needs and capabilities, and update the look of your kitchen at its best.

Option #1. Change the doors in the kitchen with your own hands

You may need to buy new doors, but it is not possible to produce them in a home workshop. This task requires special carpentry equipment to cut the material, make the hinge holes and give the surface a glossy or matte finish. Therefore, you will have to contact a furniture shop or experienced private craftsmen.

Step 1: Take measurements for furniture makers. When embarking on replacing the door yourself, there are a few important steps to consider. Take a regular tape measure and measure the width and height of each door you want to replace. Although the doors may appear identical, a difference of a few millimeters can result in unsuitable fronts that require remodeling.

To make sure you don't forget your measurements, write them down on a piece of paper or in a notebook. Then, you will need to provide this data to the furniture shop, where they will make new doors according to your order. It should be noted that it is not necessary to create complex schemes, it is enough to write the measurements by hand, the main thing is that the masters can understand the numbers.

Step 2: choose a suitable furniture shop and make an order for new doors. In your city, you can turn to both private specialists and companies specializing in the manufacture of furniture components. To find reliable performers, it is recommended to search for information on sites where customer reviews, ratings and examples of completed work are available. For example, you can pay attention to the platform.

The best option is to visit the selected furniture shop in person and give the masters your measurements. Also here you can choose the color of new doors, coating and type of handles. The production time for new doors can vary from a few days to 2-3 weeks, depending on the workload of the workshop.

Step 3: Remove the old doors when you get the new ones. To do this, you'll need a screwdriver or screwdriver to unscrew the self-tapping screws that hold the hinges to the cabinets. Remove all the fronts on the cabinets you are going to replace.

Then unscrew all the hinges from the doors if you plan to install them on the new fronts. If you want to replace the hinges with other hinges, you don't have to unscrew them from the doors.

Step 4: Attach the hinges to the new doors. The furniture shop will have already drilled holes for the hinges on the fronts. Simply place the hinges in the appropriate slots and secure them with self-tapping screws.

Step 5: Install the new doors on the cabinets. It is recommended to work with a helper, as it will be difficult for one person to hold the fronts in position and screw in the self-tapping screws at the same time. Install the doors and then align them with the hinges. This will require tightening the bolts and self-tapping screws as shown in the photo below.

It is worth noting that the old holes from the self-tapping screws on the cabinets may remain, as it is quite difficult to achieve an accurate hit of the fasteners in these holes. In most cases, these holes will be hidden by the hinges, since the standard holes for them are drilled.

If one of the doors is too wide and does not fit the cabinet, you will have to order a new front. To do this, you will need to measure carefully again and place an order with the furniture shop.

Option #2. Order a full range of services for replacing doors in a furniture shop

When replacing doors in a furniture shop, it is recommended that you entrust the job to a full-service professional. While this may increase the cost slightly, you will avoid the risk of miscalculations and the need to reorder the doors.

Step 1 in the process is choosing the right furniture shop. As with replacing fronts yourself, it is important to go with experienced craftsmen or companies. When choosing, it should be clarified whether they provide the services of a measuring technician and a crew to install the doors.

Step 2 - call for a surveyor. Contact the selected craftsman or company by phone or online chat, leaving a request for replacement of kitchen cabinet doors. You will be informed of the time of arrival of the fitter, so it is necessary to be at home at the specified time. You will have the opportunity to immediately inform the master of the preferred color of the doors and the shape of the handles.

After the measurements are taken, you will have to wait for the craftsmen to arrive to install the doors. You will be informed about the approximate start date.

Step 3 - acceptance of the work. After installing the doors, it is important to carefully check each of them: the absence of squeaking when opening and closing, ease of movement, no tilting and peeling off the coating. If you find defects, the masters must immediately eliminate them. In case of omissions, you will have to wait for the carpenters to arrive, which may take a week or longer.

Upon completion of the work, you must give you a receipt, warranty card and certificate of completion. If they forgot to give you these documents, do not hesitate to ask for them. They will be useful in case you discover any defects in the facades later.

The set of services for replacing doors in the furniture shop can also include additional options. For example, you can discuss the possibility of installing self-closing mechanisms for the doors to provide additional comfort and security. You may also be offered a variety of door finishes such as matte or glossy finishes, textured surfaces or decorative elements.

If you want to give your kitchen a special charm, the furniture shop can offer a variety of designs. For example, you can choose doors with glass cutouts that will add originality and allow you to display your fine dishes and accessories.

Replacing doors in a furniture shop is not only a functional upgrade, but also an opportunity to bring your design preferences to life. Professional craftsmen have the experience and expertise to help you make the right choice and create a unique space in your kitchen.

Modern furniture shops often offer custom furniture design and fabrication services. If you want to completely revamp your kitchen interior, you can turn to the experts who can help you develop a unique design and manufacture furniture to your individual requirements.

Replacing doors in a furniture shop is an important step in renovating or updating your kitchen. By relying on professionals, you can get quality results and avoid many of the problems associated with replacing doors on your own. By providing a full range of services, the craftsmen will ensure a harmonious and stylish renovation of your kitchen that meets your tastes and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I replace just the doors on a kitchen unit without replacing the entire piece of furniture?

Yes, replacing just the doors is possible and is an easier and more cost-effective way to update your kitchen.

How do I choose the right doors for my kitchen?

When choosing new doors, look for a material, style and color that matches your décor and personal preferences.

Do I need to hire a professional to replace the doors?

Replacing doors in a kitchen set can be done on your own if you have basic repair skills and the right tools. However, if you are unsure, it is better to call in the professionals.

What are the basic steps for replacing doors in a kitchen set?

The basic steps include removing the old doors, taking measurements, selecting new doors, installing hinges and handles, and attaching the new doors to the range.

What tools and materials are needed to replace the doors in a kitchen set?

You will need screwdrivers, a tape measure, a drill, hinges, handles, new doors, and the necessary fasteners.

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  • А
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  • А
    На самом деле, если хочется обновить кухонный гарнитур, не обновляя сам кухонный гарнитур, есть способ намного проще, чем заказ и перенавешивание новых дверей. Можно просто обтянуть все пленкой новой расцветки, благо сейчас в любом мебельном и строительном магазине широкий выбор цветовой гаммы на любой вкус, можно менять хоть каждый месяц, если есть желание. Правда есть одно но - ваши фасады кухонных шкафов должны быть плоскими, без выпуклых и вогнутых элементов и прочей лепнины (или рисунка по дереву), с такими шкафчиками, конечно. это будет сложно осуществить.
  • A
    У нас на даче уже довольно старенький гарнитур, и особо нет бюджета который можно было бы потратить на новый. Но при этом очень хочется обновить внешний вид, сделать чуть посвежее. Спасибо за полезные советы и идеи, покажу мужу)