Interior Design Project: Ingredients, Costs, and Best Practices

Learn about the components of an interior design project, estimate its cost and learn how to order and implement a project. The article goes over the details of the design process, including scope, pricing, contractors, and documentation. Options for working with an individual designer and a design studio, as well as the possibility of dividing an order into several contractors, were considered. Get helpful tips and information to optimize your budget and plan your renovation.


  1. The essence of an interior design project
  2. Speed at the expense of budget: the choice between an individual designer and a design studio
  3. Slow but profitable: split the order among several contractors
  4. What is the best way to order a design project?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What factors affect the cost of interior design development?
    2. What are the approximate prices for interior design development?
    3. Is it possible to get more accurate cost information for my project?
    4. What do you do if you have a limited budget?
    5. How long does it take to develop an interior design?

In order to optimize the budget and plan the stages of repair, as well as to present the future interior of the apartment, it is necessary to create a design project. In this article we will explore its components, estimate the cost and consider the best ways to order and implement it. We will delve into the details to reveal all the important aspects of this process.

The essence of an interior design project

Design project is a comprehensive set of documents, which prescribe the scope of work and rates for design and repair of premises, expressed in cost per square meter. In addition, the project takes into account all the details of the future interior, ensuring its full thoughtfulness. But most importantly - it is clear and precise instructions for contractors, which allow them to unmistakably realize the conceived.

Usually the standard set of documents includes a measurement plan, layout of the apartment, plans of electrics, ceilings and kitchen, as well as drawings of furniture, three-dimensional visualization and an estimate. It happens that the design project also includes other drawings, such as plans for remodeling, to fully meet the needs of the client.

However, it is worth noting that a design project is not only a technical documentation, but also an art. Each project has its own uniqueness and character, reflecting the personality and taste of the client. Designers, who create these projects, strive to bring elements of creativity and originality to them, so that each room became a truly unique work of art.

When developing a design project, professionals take into account not only the functional requirements, but also the aesthetic preferences of the client. They analyze the space, its light characteristics, architectural features and carry out competent planning so that every detail was in its place. Competent approach to the choice of colors, textures and materials, as well as the use of innovative technologies, allow to create interiors that delight and please the eye.

The latest trends in interior design are constantly evolving, and each project tries to reflect them in its own unique style. The variety of trends - from minimalism to classical, from modern to eclectic - provides a rich choice for the realization of the most diverse preferences and tastes. Thus, the design project becomes an individual and unique creation that reflects the personality of its inhabitants.

When you decide to create a design project for your space, it is important to turn to professionals with experience and creative thinking. They will help you realize your ideas and offer interesting and unexpected solutions. Joint interaction and exchange of ideas between the customer and the designer will create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding, which will allow you to achieve the best results.

Speed at the expense of budget: the choice between an individual designer and a design studio

Ordering a complete design project, you get the convenience of a full package of documents, as well as the opportunity to estimate the cost of your interior design per square meter.

In addition to developing a design project, you may be offered additional services. For example, you can hire and supervise the work of contractors or organize the purchase and delivery of all necessary furniture.

The cost of the design project depends on its complexity, the amount of services provided, the size of the room, the experience of the designer and his reputation.

Sometimes ordering a complete design project can be disadvantageous. Even with a talented specialist his cost may be half of the total cost of repair. In addition, there is a possibility that the repair will be delayed, and during this time you may change your mind or fashion trends and preferences will change. As a result, you run the risk of paying for a project that will ultimately go unused.

However, there are other options available. For example, you can opt for the consulting services of a designer who will help you with the basic aspects of the project, leaving you free to make your own changes as needed. This is more cost-effective and allows you to maintain flexibility in the process of realizing your idea.

Another important aspect of choosing a design project is to keep up-to-date with current ideas and trends. A good designer will keep up with the latest interior design trends and offer you innovative solutions that will give your space personality and style. Be open to new ideas and experimentation to create a unique atmosphere in your home.

Don't forget that a design project is an investment in your comfort and fulfillment of your needs. Consider all options, discuss them with professionals, and make an informed decision based on your desires and capabilities. Only in this way will you be able to create an interior that will be a perfect reflection of your individuality and allow you to enjoy every moment spent in your home.

Slow but profitable: split the order among several contractors

If you are facing a long period of renovation or you decide to do without some documents, such as design visualization, you can order only the necessary services from various professionals. Your renovation may be subject to slight changes in the process, which you can make on your own or for a fee. Let's take a look at what blueprints you should consider.

One such drawing is the measurement plan. Imagine the situation that you ordered a table, but it is not the right size by 1 cm - it will be very frustrating. Therefore, it is very important to carefully measure all the parameters of the apartment, even if you have a plan from the developer - it may contain errors. Then all measurements should be reflected on the plan of the apartment, so that you always have the exact dimensions in front of you.

If you find it difficult to understand the measurements and you find it difficult to calculate everything down to the centimeter, you can call a professional surveyor. His services usually cost from 158 GEL.

Another important aspect is the layout of the apartment. This is the basis for creating a design project, which indicates the location of furniture in the apartment. If the layout is worked out qualitatively and your project is not complicated, you can save money on other drawings. To do this, you need to specify the location of outlets, fixtures and wiring on the layout.

If you are looking for an unusual solution, such as a shower without a tray or a complex lighting system, it is recommended to consult with an experienced plumber or electrician. Remember that the services of each specialist can cost you around 64 GEL

The designer will be able to propose you a layout after a detailed consultation, where he will get to know your preferences and lifestyle. The final cost usually depends on the complexity of the design and the size of the apartment. Prices vary, starting from 158 Georgian GEL.

3D visualization. This step is necessary to evaluate stylistic solutions, scrutinize the design and assess the livability of each room. It will help you see which design ideas will be successful and which should be rejected to avoid spending extra money.

When drawing up plans for different areas of renovation and design, there are several important factors to consider. One of them is the electrical plan, which should indicate the location of outlets, switches, and wire leads for wall lights. The variety of electrical functionality will help to ensure comfort and convenience in different rooms. For example, a socket near the desk will allow you to easily connect the lamp, and the installation of a regulator of the warm floor in the children's room will prevent drafts. Additionally, you can add separate lights to illuminate the dining table area or the sleeping area.

An electrical plan can be ordered from an electrician. On average, the cost of such a service starts from 158 Georgian GEL.

An important plan is also a ceiling plan, especially if you have stretch or suspended ceilings. When planning such ceilings, it is necessary to provide places for chandeliers, curtains and choose a suitable color scheme. Craftsmen usually offer to draw up a plan for free to demonstrate their services. You can invite several professionals to present their plan options and choose the most suitable one for you.

A flooring plan is also important to avoid excess material after the renovation and to achieve the desired tile pattern. In most cases, such a plan is prepared free of charge when you purchase flooring from the store.

The kitchen plan includes not only the dimensions and location of the kitchen furniture, but also the choice of colors for surfaces, materials, and the filling of cabinets, including the number and location of shelves inside.

There are various options for getting a kitchen plan. You can purchase a ready-made one and make some changes, such as increasing the length of the countertop or changing the location of the oven. It is also possible to make a plan in the store where you will order the installation of the kitchen. You can also invite a private master to your home to discuss all the details and nuances and get a customized plan that meets your needs.

If you plan to order custom cabinets, shelves and other furniture, you will need furniture drawings. They can be obtained directly from the workshop, and you can actively participate in the process and make changes, for example, to change the location of shelves or the size of the product.

Making an estimate - an important stage, which allows you to pre-determine the cost of repair and identify opportunities for savings. The estimate should include:

  • All necessary building materials: wallpaper or wall paint, floor coverings, tools for repairs;
  • All furniture and plumbing fixtures;
  • The work of contractors;
  • Delivery of materials and furniture;
  • Light fixtures and chandeliers;
  • Shelving, dishes, plant pots, rugs and other decorative items.

It is possible to make an estimate yourself, but it is recommended to entrust this task to professionals, as there is a risk of missing important details, for example, forgetting about curtains, for which there may not be enough money later. Making an estimate can be done by a designer, and the cost depends on the complexity of the design project. On average, the initial cost is around 158 Georgian GEL.

What is the best way to order a design project?

When you turn to a designer, you save time and can completely not think about the repair - you only need to periodically check the timing and quality of the work done. The cost of an interior design project on average is from 32 Georgian lari per square meter.

When ordering different parts of the project from different specialists, you can choose only the documents and drawings you need, which will significantly reduce the budget. For example, if you order only the detailed planning of the apartment and an estimate, you will need to spend an average of 316 Georgian GEL.

Frequently Asked Questions

❓ What factors affect the cost of interior design?

✅ The cost depends on the size of the room, the complexity of the project, the chosen style and the skill level of the designer.

❓ What are the approximate prices for interior design development?

✅ Usually the cost varies from 500 to 5000 💲 per square meter, but the final price depends on the specific situation.

❓ Can I get more accurate cost information for my project?

✅ Yes, it is recommended to contact professional designers for a personalized consultation to get accurate information.

❓ What should I do if my budget is limited?

✅ If the budget is limited, you can discuss with the designer options to optimize the project and use more affordable materials and solutions.

❓ How long does it take to develop an interior design?

✅ The development time depends on the complexity of the project, but usually takes a few weeks to a few months.

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  • B
    В данной ситуации главное, чтоб разработчик дизайн-проекта был проверенным и профессионалом своего дела. У меня не было опыта заказа дизайн-проекта, но однажды специалист помог мне оптимально расставить мебель в небольшой комнате, и я поняла, что опыт и насмотренность дизайнера играют немалую роль.
    Хотя, если есть возможность самому заняться дизайном, думаю, что это сделать вполне реально. Благо, в интернете можно найти любую картинку и нужный совет. А какая экономия при этом получится!
    • Q
      На самом деле, это не всегда правильное решение. Однажды мы как решили "сэкономить" и пожалели тысячу раз) Есть очень много тонкостей, которые невозможно учесть без должного опыта. В итоге нужно переделывать, переплачивать, нервничать. Всё таки каждый должен заниматься своим делом и если есть возможность обратиться к профессионалу, лучше это сделать)
  • А
    В такой ситуации, мне кажется самый оптимальный вариант - это заказывать работу "под ключ", когда одна фирма предлагает все этапы работ: от идеи, до самой отделки. Сейчас многие компании предлагают такие услуги. Даже всем известный магазин французской сети товаров для дома и ремонта. Да, ценник в таких компаниях выше, чем чисто у дизайн=студий или частных дизайнеров, но в полном комплекте вы получите сразу и замерщиков и проф. бригаду строителей и гарантийный срок, в который вам придут и что-то исправят, а главное - помогут с выбором материалов, их доставкой или заменой на аналоги. Если же вы сами отдельно нанимаете замерщиков, оценщиков, дизайнера, консультируетесь с сантехниками и электриками, то их действия будут не согласованы и не направлены на конечный результат: готовый объект. Поэтому те решения, которые примет дизайнер, сантехник, например скажет что их сложно выполнить, лучше все исправить и вам снова придется бежать к дизайнеру за корректировкой (которая, скорее всего будет за ваш счет) и так можно бегать очень долго, второй момент - это материалы и мебель, дизайн с ремонтом "под ключ" как правило сразу подбирают их готовых решений, а просто дизайнер может спроектировать вам "мечту" с мебелью по индивидуальному заказу, как раз из-за тех пресловутых пары сантиметров, что написаны в статье, когда другая мебель просто не встанет, и такой ремонт обойдется очень дорого, порой он даже сопоставим со стоимостью самого объекта недвижимости. Но, сели цена вопроса Вас не смущает, можно, конечно, смело реализовывать любые фантазии))
  • A
    Раньше думала что это стоит огромных денег. Но потом когда самим понадобился дизайн-проект, мы стали активно изучать этот вопрос. И на самом деле по цене довольно доступно получается, мы пока еще ни разу не пожалели что решили обратиться к такой услуге.
  • R
    Мой внутренний перфекционист интересуется дизайн-проектом интерьера. В ней подробно рассмотрены все составляющие процесса создания проекта, начиная от объемных работ и документации, до выбора подрядчиков и определения стоимости и для меня это очень приятно. Очень хорошо, что статья также рассматривает различные варианты работы, включая сотрудничество с индивидуальным дизайнером или дизайн-студией, а также возможность разделить заказ на несколько подрядчиков. Это дает возможность выбрать оптимальный путь для реализации проекта, а также более осознанно планировать бюджет и ремонт. Рекомендую прочитать эту статью всем, кто хочет узнать больше о дизайн-проекте интерьера и реализовать его наилучшим образом.
  • A
    В прошлом году пользовались услугами по дизайну интерьера. Искали подходящего человека достаточно долго, изучали портфолио и отзывы. По итогу нашла подходящего человека, по стоимости вышло чуть дешевле чем мы изначально планировали.