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Mural "Man with a mule". Author: Matthias Mross

  • Description

The mural “Man with a Mule” is a work by the famous German hyperrealist Matthias Mross, created in 2019 in Batumi. Inspired by travels and meetings with people from different parts of the world, the artist in his works focuses on the inconsistencies that can be observed in the modern world.

This mural is from Mross' famous Urban Cowboys series. He depicts people who seem to be out of their time and do not find their place in modern reality. The main idea of this series is to show the contradiction between the traditions of the past and the realities of the present. The main character of the mural is a man in modern clothes, but instead of a car he uses a mule as a means of transportation.

The visual contrast between the realistically depicted figures of a man and a mule and the schematically drawn sun and clouds in the background reinforces the sense of disharmony. This choice of artistic means makes the mural even more expressive, emphasizing the alienity of the hero in the world around him.

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41.640989, 41.617593
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  • L
    gray stars
    red stars

    На центральной улице обнаружила необычный мурал с человеком и мулом. Этот контрастный рисунок здорово цепляет внимание, заставляя задуматься. Мужчина в современном одеянии, но с мулом — как из прошлого. Гиперреализм человеческой фигуры и схематичные облака добавляют особого шарма. Ощущение, будто герой заблудился во времени. Интересно и немного грустно.

  • Е
    gray stars
    red stars

    Изумительные, насыщенные оттенки! Благодарность за талант художнику!

  • Е
    gray stars
    red stars

    Очень красивая работа.