Warehouse "MAXIMA"
- Description
MAXIMA/მაქსიმა-ს საწყობი is a warehouse company located in the city of Batumi. The main field of activity of the organization is related to providing maximum space for convenient and safe storage of various goods. The MAXIMA warehouse provides customers with the necessary infrastructure and services to satisfy all storage needs. The company strives to provide a high level of comfort and safety for its customers. Additional information, as well as reviews, address and contact phone number can be found for the convenience of customers. The "MAXIMA" warehouse in Batumi provides a reliable solution for anyone looking for a spacious and safe place for temporary or long-term storage of their belongings.
Mon-Sat: 09:30 - 18:00. Sun: closed
ННиколай Юрьевич
Жуткое место. Попасть туда – испытание на выносливость. Чувствуешь себя потерянным в бесконечных рядах коробок и товаров. Сотрудники вечно заняты, помощи не дождёшься. Никакого порядка и логики. Кто-то там, возможно, существует и работает, но клиентуру явно не ждут. Настоятельно не рекомендую.