School in the village of Urekhi
- Description
The school in the village of Urekhi in Batumi is a public educational institution offering free education in the Georgian language. This is an educational platform for local residents and their children seeking quality education in rural areas. The school provides students with everything they need for successful learning, including free textbooks.
By visiting this school, anyone can get an unforgettable experience of immersion in rural Georgian culture and enlightenment. You can also fulfill your responsibility to your community by helping to develop education in rural areas. Education at the school is maximally adapted to the local population, which makes education accessible and effective for all students.
The school in the village of Urekhi embodies the traditions and uniqueness of Georgian education, emphasizing the importance of free access to education for everyone. This place is visited not only for education, but also for fellowship, exchanging ideas, knowledge and enthusiasm in an effort to improve the future of oneself and one's community.
Mon-Fri: 09:00–14:00. Sat-Sun - closed.
AArkadiy Ivanov
Сомнительный опыт для любителя приключений и трогательных мест. Приятная атмосфера царит благодаря дружелюбным учителям с четкими воспитательными принципами. Чувствуется, что детям уделяется много внимания и существует стремление к знаниям. Приятно видеть, как взаимодействие между преподавателями и учениками оставляет след хорошего настроения. Неплохо для места, затерянного в деревне.