Psychoneurological department at the Batumi Medical Center clinic
- Description
The neuropsychiatric department at the Batumi Medical Center clinic in Batumi is a high-quality medical institution specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients with mental and neurological conditions. The department provides a wide range of services, including consultations with experienced psychologists and psychiatrists, the provision of individual treatment and support programs based on modern research methods and practice. The department's doctors and specialists have extensive experience working with various psychological and neurological disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, neuroses, epilepsy and other conditions. Each patient receives an individual approach and high-quality medical care using advanced technologies and treatment methods. The Batumi Medical Center clinic is one of the leading medical centers in the region, offering not only high-quality medical care, but also paying special attention to the comfort and care of patients. Reviews about the work of the department indicate the high professionalism of the medical staff and the services provided. To make an appointment with a psychologist or obtain additional information about the department, you can contact the address indicated on the official website or contact the specified phone number. The department strives to provide patients with an individualized and effective approach to improving their mental and neurological condition, helping them return to a healthy and fulfilling life.
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Местные "специалисты", мягко говоря, удивили. В разгар лета сидеть в тёмных комнатах с обогревателями — это что-то новенькое. Вопросов осталось больше, чем ответов. Проверял глаза, но просмотр на мир через пять слоёв пыли оказался непростой задачей. Медперсонал прятался по углам, консультировать, похоже, не их конёк. Впечатление — как будто в параллельной вселенной побывал.
Абсолютный ад. Сотрудники наплевательски относятся к пациентам. Медсестры откровенно жестоки. Врачи даже не пытаются выслушать и помочь, а заведующий отделением вообще удивляется, зачем с пациентами разговаривать. Свою девушку забрал оттуда в ещё худшем состоянии, чем привёз. Ничего хорошего здесь не ждите.
ООльга Жданова
A team of professionals. The staff of the center has a calm and friendly demeanor. The environment inside and outside the building is clean and orderly.
ММайя Дралова
From the time the ambulance crew arrived until the time I left the hospital, the service was excellent. The EMTs responded promptly and provided me with quality care. All necessary tests were performed promptly. The doctor had a discussion with me after receiving the results, which had a positive impact on my condition. Overall, it was a good experience.