State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of Adjara "Arsiani" named after M. Kukhianidze

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  • Description

The M. Kukhianidze State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of Adjara "Arsiani" is a well-known cultural organization based in the region of Adjara, Batumi city. The organization specializes in the preservation and promotion of traditional songs and dances of Adjara. Having an academic status, the ensemble strives for a high level of performance and creativity in order to pass on the rich heritage of the region to its audience and preserve it for future generations. The name of M. Kukhianidze, embedded in the ensemble's name, is probably an honorary reference to an outstanding cultural figure who may have played an important role in the development of the organization.

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st. Vladimir Mayakovsky, 55G, Batumi, Georgia
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Work schedule
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
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    Ансамбль академического песни и танца Аджарии - это действительно очень хорошее место!