Baghdati Assembly
- Description
The Baghdati Assembly in Baghdati is a significant political and social organization located in the heart of the Capital of Iraq, in the city of Baghdat. It is a place where politicians, social activists and visionary thinkers meet to discuss key issues affecting the development of the city and all of Iraq. For decades, the Baghdati Assembly has served as a forum for important discussions, legislative decisions and ongoing dialogue between citizens and authorities.
Contested Place is suitable for academic researchers, students of political science, history or journalism, and those simply interested in the history, culture and politics of Iraq. A visit to the Baghdati Assembly provides a unique opportunity to see local decision-making, meet current political figures and witness living history.
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00. Sat-Sun: closed
Цена и качество — редкая гармония. Ассамблея поражает не только гостеприимством. Здесь чувствуешь себя не просто заемщиком услуги, а желанным гостем. Культурные сокровища как на ладони, а забота искренняя и почти домашняя. Низкая цена за высокий уровень сервиса — сюрприз, о котором хочется рассказать всем.