

The Most Frequent Questions

What is the distance to Aragvispiri from Batumi?

The distance from Aragvispiri to Batumi is 263 kilometers in a straight line, 362.1 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 355.9 kilometers along the highway.

What is the distance to Aragvispiri from Tbilisi?

The distance from Aragvispiri to Tbilisi is 43 kilometers in a straight line, 62.7 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 48.7 kilometers along the highway.

Where is Aragvispiri?

Aragvispiri is located in a rural area in Georgia, in the Dusheti municipality of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. The village is located in the central part of the region and is located 8 kilometers east of the center of the Dusheti municipality. The height of the village center is 700 meters above sea level.

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