Hotel Dejavu
- Description
Hotel Dejavu in Anaklia is a place where you can plunge into an atmosphere of mystery and tranquility. Now Anaklia is not a resort area, but this hotel will become your oasis of calm away from noisy cities.
The hotel is located in the former resort village of Anaklia. Despite the fact that the village is now abandoned and mostly local residents live here, the hotel continues to operate and is ready to welcome its guests. The hotel is suitable for those who are looking for privacy and silence.
"Hotel Dejavu" demonstrates true Georgian hospitality. Warm service, unique interior design and excellent local cuisine - all this makes your stay at the hotel unforgettable. Guests can truly relax and unwind while immersing themselves in the tranquil atmosphere of this place.
The hotel is also an excellent starting point for exploring the surrounding areas, including deserted beaches and abandoned buildings that serve as a unique landmark of Anaklia. They attract lovers of mysticism and mystery, as well as those interested in the history of this place.
Choosing Hotel Dejavu in Anaklia guarantees your secluded holiday with a touch of adventure. This is a place where you can forget about the hustle and bustle and plunge into a world of peace and tranquility.
ИИнга Фомина
Запах свежих цветов утром и тёплое солнце, пробивающееся сквозь шторы, создают невероятное ощущение уюта и гармонии. Это место, где расслабляешься с первой минуты. Еда радует не меньше — каждый приём пищи как маленькое кулинарное путешествие. Удивительное сочетание простоты и изысканности, которое хочется повторить вновь. Особенно понравились радушные улыбки персонала — как будто ты в кругу семьи.