Gas station "LPG Gas station"
- Description
The gas station "LPG Gas station" is located in the picturesque village of Adzharistskali. This is a convenient place for motorists on the road who need to fill their car with autogas (liquefied propane-butane gas). It meets all quality and safety standards, which makes the refueling process fast, clean and safe.
There are qualified employees at the gas station who are ready to help in case of any questions or possible difficulties when refueling. Here the driver has the opportunity to rest during long journeys, check and inflate the tires, and, if necessary, freshen up or have a snack.
The LPG Gas station in Adzharistskali is not only a place to refuel a car, but also part of the village’s infrastructure, contributing to its development and the convenience of visitors and local residents.
КК.В. Голубев
Здесь всегда встречают с улыбкой. Заправлял свой автомобиль уже не раз и всегда быстро, оперативно и без сюрпризов. Ощущение надежности и стабильности. Еще и вид вокруг завораживает — заряжает позитивом на день вперед.