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Поставщик компьютерной оргтехники и сеть магазинов "Алта"

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Популярное место

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Излюбленное место туристов и жителей города.



Победитель рейтинга и лидер раздела больше года

  • Описание

30 Alta logo.png

"Alta" - это надежный поставщик электроники, расположенный в городе Тбилиси. Организация специализируется на поставке компьютерной техники и аксессуаров. Их клиенты и партнеры оценивают высокое качество продукции и услуг, предоставляемых компанией. "Alta" предлагает удобные часы работы, их адрес легко найти, и есть доступный телефон для связи с ними. Если вам нужны компьютерные компоненты и аксессуары в Тбилиси, "Alta" может быть отличным выбором.

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Координаты скопированы
0159, Тбилиси, Дидубе-Чугуретинский район, ул. Белиашвили. 104
+995 32 251 01 11
+995 32 223 80 038
График работы

Пн - Пт: 09:00 - 18:00; Сб: 10:00 - 15:00

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1 отзыв
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  • A
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    I have been using the services of the Alta chain of stores for a long time to purchase computer equipment and office equipment, and I can say with confidence that they deserve high praise. Alta offers a wide range of high-quality goods, which makes them one of the best places to buy equipment in the region.

    Firstly, the variety of products available at Alta is amazing. From laptops and computers to printers and network equipment, here you can find everything you need for both personal and business use. Each product is characterized by high quality and reliability, which is a key factor in choosing equipment.

    The staff in the shops deserves special attention. They are always ready to offer professional advice, help with the choice and answer all questions. This creates a pleasant impression of the service and helps to make an informed choice.

    The prices here are also very competitive. I appreciate reasonable value for money, as well as regular promotions and discounts that make shopping even more profitable.

    I would especially like to note the convenience and accessibility of the Alta stores. Having multiple points of sale makes the buying process easy and convenient, as well as saves time.

    In general, my experience of cooperation with Alta has always been extremely positive. I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for a reliable supplier of computer and office equipment.