Russian wood-fired bathhouse on Batumgor

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4 reviews
  • Description

"Russian wood-fired bathhouse on Batumgora" is a unique space for relaxation and recovery in the very heart of Batumi. The organization specializes in providing an authentic Russian sauna experience, where every visitor can enjoy the atmosphere of a traditional wood-fired sauna. Among the attractive features are excellent customer reviews, emphasizing the high level of service and the uniqueness of the services provided. The bath complex offers flexible work hours, friendly staff and cozy conditions for relaxation. For the convenience of visitors, a contact telephone number is provided for registration and booking, making it easy to plan a pleasant time in the atmosphere of a traditional Russian bath. This entire experience is available right in the center of Batumi, making it an ideal choice for those who value high levels of service and authentic bath treatments.

Тип организации
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21 Batumgora St, Batumi
Work schedule

Daily: 10:00 - 23:30

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4 reviews
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  • В
    gray stars
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    The best bathhouse in Batumi of all the ones we have been to. Attentive to customer's wishes, ready to make it hotter if needed. We have visited this bathhouse exactly 10 times, and each time we left satisfied. The convenience is that each bathhouse has two barrels and a font/bath.

  • Д
    gray stars
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    Лучшая баня в Батуми из всех, в которых мы бывали. Здесь учитываются пожелания клиентов, если нужно, сделают более горячо. Мы посетили эту баню уже минимум 10 раз, и всегда уходим довольные. Удобно, что каждая баня оснащена двумя бочками и купелью/ванной.

  • М
    gray stars
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    "Russian Bath on the Mountain" is the best establishment in Batumi of all the ones we have been to. They are attentive to the client's wishes: if you need to make the steam stronger, they will do it. We visited this bathhouse at least 10 times, and each time we left there satisfied. One of the amenities is that each bathhouse has two barrels and a font/bath.

  • O
    gray stars
    red stars

    We were pleased! We visited bathhouse number 1, which has a relaxation room, a washroom with a font and an upside-down barrel. The steam room was perfectly heated, and it was possible to supply water with eucalyptus if desired. We took towels and sheets, each item cost 1 GEL. We also ordered tea with linden and honey.