Georgia's most popular directory

Madlob's directory contains information on all Georgia organizations: addresses, photos, services, prices, as well as ratings and reviews from visitor

Georgia's most popular directory

Everything about Georgia in one place: Travel, Shopping, Restaurants and Beauty Salons


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Take the top spot in the rankings of the best establishments in Georgia!

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The Most Frequent Questions

Tell me about your guide Madloba Info

Madloba is a multilingual (Georgian, English, Russian) guide created by people who are in love with Georgia. Our mission is to open Georgia to visitors and residents alike by providing useful and relevant information. Our directory includes not only companies operating in Georgia but also information about beautiful parts of the country and hospitality of Georgian people.

You will not find political news or sports reviews on the pages of Madloba. Our directory is a collection of useful places and fresh information presented in a convenient format.

Every day we update and add information about active companies in Georgia. If your company is not already listed in our directory, you can add it for free.

As of June 22, 2023, Madloba directory has a monthly audience of over 150,000 people.

In addition to free listing, we also offer a priority listing service. You can find out more about this service at:

I have a company in Georgia, how do I list it in the Madloba directory?

If you want to add your company to the Madloba directory, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. First, go to the Madloba website at the following link:
  2. Then carefully fill in all the fields of the form and submit it by clicking on the "add" button.
  3. After sending the form, our editors will check the information you provided and if everything is in order, your company will appear in the appropriate section of the catalog.
    Please note: we process all requests in the order they are received, so it may take some time before your organization appears in the directory.

After your company information is published our manager will contact you on the contact data you specified in the form. If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Why would I put my company in the Madloba directory?

Listing your company in the Madloba directory has several advantages:

  1. Visibility: With a monthly audience of over 150,000 people, Madloba provides more visibility for your company. This means more people learn about your business, increasing the chances of attracting new customers.
  2. Availability: Madloba offers free listings, making it accessible to all types of businesses, from small entrepreneurs to large corporations.
  3. Target Audience: Madloba specializes in providing information about Georgia to visitors and residents. Thus, your company will advertise to an audience that is looking for just that kind of information.
  4. Multilinguality: Madloba Directory is available in three languages - Georgian, English and Russian, which expands your potential clientele.
  5. Professionalism and support: Our team is always ready to help you with any questions related to placing and updating information about your company.

Thus, placement in Madloba directory can be a useful tool for increasing the visibility of your business, attracting new customers and expanding your market presence.

What will a paid rate do for me, how will it help me get more customers?

"The paid rate in the Madloba directory has additional features that will help increase the visibility of your company and attract more customers:

  1. Priority placement: Your company will be highlighted and placed higher in the directory, which increases its visibility for site visitors.
  2. More Information: The paid rate allows you to add more information about your company, including additional photos and videos. This helps provide potential customers with a more complete picture of your business.
  3. Active advertising: Your company will be actively promoted through banner ads on your site and in other organizations. This will help increase your company's visibility and attract more attention.
  4. Personal Support: Paid customers receive personalized support from our team to help you optimize your page for the best results.

Ultimately, Madloba's paid rate provides additional tools and support that help your company become more visible and attractive to potential customers."

I sent in a request to be placed in the Madloba catalog, but it's still not there, why?

Your application for listing in the Madloba directory is still being processed. The publication on a free basis is carried out according to the sequence and the speed of processing depends on several factors: the availability of a suitable category for your company, completeness and relevance of the information provided by you, as well as the number of applications submitted before yours.

If it is important for you to speed up the listing process, we suggest that you consider purchasing a one-month trial package. This will help you quickly and correctly place information about your company in our directory Madloba Info.

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Important information for those arriving and living in Georgia

Regions and cities of Georgia

legendTemporarily occupied territories of Georgia

Current reviews from guests and residents of Georgia

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Thanks to the Madloba Info directory, I was able to choose a fantastic tour around Georgia. This service made my journey rich and memorable. I highly recommend it to all travelers!

Erica Anderson
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Madloba Info directory was a real game-changer for me, helping me find the perfect apartment in Borjomi. It simplified my travel plans significantly. A must-use for all travelers!

Maria Barnes
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Using the Madloba Info directory, I found a place that served absolutely delicious shashlik. This resource truly enhanced my culinary experience. Highly recommended for all food-loving travelers!

Scott & Margaret
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As a family, we found the Madloba Info directory invaluable during our trip. It led us to family-friendly locations and activities that everyone enjoyed. This service made our trip much easier and more fun.

Asenka Kim
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The Madloba Info directory was instrumental in helping me find a great hostel right in the heart of Batumi. It made my stay in the city convenient and enjoyable. I strongly recommend it to all travelers