Is any negative possible during your vacation in Georgia?


I've never really been drawn to those parts, and recently friends invited me. They are already thoroughly planning. What kind of troubles can happen when traveling to Georgia?

Tamara Vasilyeva.

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How many times have I rested — both with friends and with my family. Nothing bad or illegal happened. In any crowded place — be it your hometown or another country — you need to keep everything to yourself. In plain sight, not in front of others. Don't be rude, don't be rude, behave culturally.

In addition, please note that Georgians communicate perfectly in Russian. If you respect them, they will respect you. You worry about nothing. Go boldly and do not expect problems on vacation in Georgia — you will attract


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In Georgia, they are and this is normal! Just like in any other country. In any case, Georgia has grown a lot in all areas over the past few years. People are happy with life. In general, it is not so dangerous and everything is much more cultured than in many countries, including Russia. I can't say I'm happy about it.

The order is monitored by the authorities, and they can and should be asked for protection. Thanks to them, the number of crimes related to various thefts has become lower and continues to fall.

One way or another, you should keep yourself in control. Not only in terms of material values, but also within the framework of adequacy. Georgians are always welcome. The point of coming to a foreign country and looking for trouble…

The real danger on vacation in Georgia can be represented by various manifestations of nature, for example, sharp cliffs, rock falls. Therefore, if you do not want to take risks, it is better to organize a trip officially through a travel agency. And don't go to remote areas alone.


Удивленная женщина

Of the possible problems of recreation in Georgia, only one comes to my mind — a partial, and sometimes complete lack of cellular communication in the mountains.

In places, from distant cities, it can be unstable. The minus is not too significant, if only simply because it is always necessary to think about your safety in advance. Hire a guide and plan excursions only through a travel agency.

In addition, it is relevant for every mountain in any country in the world. As for personal protection against possible illegal actions — do not worry here. Georgia is one of the safest countries for tourism in the entire territory of the former USSR.


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Georgians have a very special temperament, hence their famous hospitality — emotional and attuned to reciprocity. There is one simple rule — everyone can offend a Georgian, just like a poet. Simply refusing to come to visit, even if you see each other for the first time in your life. If you refuse, it is necessary to smooth out all the corners as much as possible.

You need to remember that you are in a different culture with your own mentality and show elementary human gratitude, even if you have already paid the bill.

Of course, not without pickpockets and small scammers. And I think it's irresponsible to blame all the blame on gullible tourists.

And on the other hand, in which country are such crimes completely absent? Another thing is that the law enforcement agencies of Georgia are making great efforts out of the interest of the authorities in an even greater influx of tourists.

Be careful yourself, keep an eye on your property in crowded places. Large sums of money, there is no point in carrying documents with you. And there will not be a single problem when traveling in Georgia.


Женщина на мостике

Frankly, I don't understand at all what you're worried about. The population is happy for tourists. The whole world knows about their hospitality.

We speak the same language — only a small part does not know Russian. Including the police. There is no inadequate courtship and begging, as in Arab countries.

About petty theft, of course, unpleasant. To do this, you need to follow the simplest rules that you observe in your hometown. And this is another country, vacation problems in Georgia can overshadow the whole trip. Why is this necessary?


Испуганный мужик

It's definitely not worth praising so much. And there may be problems in Georgia. Divorce schemes have not disappeared anywhere, on the contrary.

For example, a middle—aged woman in more than modest clothes loses consciousness in front of tourists. She is barely brought to her senses, and she complains — the treatment is expensive, I live on the latter, there is no money.

Of course, compassionate people voluntarily give her a rather large sum collected by the whole group. And what is the result? As a result, one of these tourists notices a suspiciously similar picture a few days later. With a suspiciously similar woman in the lead role…


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Why do you say that Georgia is more cultured than Russia? Is that so? I have the opportunity to compare. She was born and raised in Georgia. Graduated from the university.

Then she moved to Russia, where she lived for another two decades. Now I live in Belarus and therefore I can say that you are wrong. No matter how much I love this country, my native mentality. I am well aware of not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages. During a vacation vacation in Georgia, problems may arise.

I'm talking about the order on the streets, the degree of education of the population, the observance of morality and following the general letter of the law. Unfortunately, Georgia is inferior to Belarus in this.


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You need to pay attention to your body. Problems may arise with him, just because of acclimatization. If you are traveling, which is for sure, from the colder regions of Russia, the CIS.

So, for example, August is no longer for you — it is the hottest, and in Adjara it is also stuffy, due to precipitation, time of the year. Choose your vacation time depending on the area of Georgia where you want to go. And vice versa — if the vacation time is fixed in advance, select the area for it. A good travel agency will be able to recommend several options to choose from.

The danger of a holiday in Georgia can also lie in wait for food — overeating or unusual food products, their combinations. No public catering is immune from the second freshness in the heat. Therefore, the main secret of tourism in almost any country is to eat where the locals go to have lunch.


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It's crazy, they lived. If a fraudster cheats, and a thief steals, then the tourist is to blame for this?

After all, the logic of people like you is ingeniously arranged - an unscrupulous traveler dared to distract himself — stared, blinked, took a picture.

And in his pocket once, and there is no wallet. That's right, it's his own fault! They didn't want to do it — they're good! You encouraged them to do this — with your open mouths, wide-open eyes and tirelessly clicking cameras. Here he is — a spoiled vacation in Georgia — through the eyes of Russian tourists.


  • К
    Какой-то негатив возможен во время отдыха в Грузии? Ой, ну это же неизведанная территория для негатива! Здесь каждый уголок пропитан радостью, гостеприимством и солнечным настроением. Может быть, единственный негатив - это когда ваш отпуск подходит к концу, а вы не хотите уезжать из этого чудесного места! Но даже тогда Грузия оставит в вас столько ярких впечатлений, что вы будете возвращаться сюда снова и снова, чтобы наслаждаться её красотой и духом приключений!
  • A
    Путешествуя по Грузии, конечно, могут возникнуть некоторые трудности, как и в любой другой стране. Но главное - сохранять позитивный настрой и быть открытым к новым опытам. Ведь каждое путешествие это возможность узнать что-то новое, даже если столкнешься с языковым барьером или культурными различиями. Главное помнить, что любое путешествие это приключение, и каждый непредвиденный момент делает его еще более незабываемым.
  • A
    Это зависит от человека мне кажется. Есть такие люди по натуре, которые очень любят скандалить, поучать и в целом неуважительно вести себя в чужой стране, провакаторы своего рода. В Грузии очень отзывчивые люди, и если вы будите с уважением относится к культуре и правилам, то ваш отдых пройдет просто замечательно.
  • D
    Я только что прочитал статью на о туризме в Грузии, и я действительно впечатлен! Этот большой справочник дал мне массу полезной информации о местах, которые я собираюсь посетить в Грузии.
    Я уже был в Грузии ранее, и могу сказать, что она обладает удивительной красотой природы и уникальным культурным наследием. Что меня обрадовало в статье, так это то, что она рассказала о некоторых скрытых жемчужинах и необычных местах, которые я пропустил в предыдущий раз.
    В целом, я очень благодарен за такой полезный ресурс, и теперь я ещё больше настроен на свою поездку в Грузию. Надеюсь, мой опыт будет так же захватывающим, как и в прошлый раз, и я смогу открыть для себя ещё больше прекрасных мест благодаря этой информации!
  • Y
    The title of the article "Is any negativity possible during a vacation in Georgia?" caught my attention, because Georgia is famous for its beautiful scenery, hospitality and delicious food. However, as in any other country, there may be some negative aspects.

    First, it is worth noting that in tourist areas there can be problems with overcrowding. The peak season can lead to a large number of tourists, especially in popular cities, which can create some inconvenience and queues.

    Second, although Georgia is generally considered a safe country for tourists, some cases of fraud and theft can occur. Travelers should be vigilant and watch their valuables, especially in crowds or crowded places.

    The third thing worth mentioning is the possibility of problems with public transportation. Despite a well-developed bus and shuttle system, some routes can be crowded or delayed, especially during high season. Travelers should plan their time in advance and consider possible delays.

    Finally, the language barrier can be somewhat of a challenge for tourists, especially for those who do not speak Georgian or Russian. However, most locals and workers in the tourism industry speak English, which makes communication easier.

    Overall, although Georgia is an attractive vacation destination, some negatives may arise. With care, planning, and knowledge of the basic aspects, you can minimize possible problems and enjoy a wonderful vacation in this amazing country.
  • А
    Про безопасность в Грузии много читала. Чаще всего говорится, что преступлений серьезных там случается редко. Полиция работает там на совесть. Почти нет взяток и коррупции. Впервые сейчас прочитала про конкретный случай обмана туристов - упавшая в обморок женщина). Оригинально😁. Больше ничего меня не пугает и не настораживает. В целом, по советам друзей я считаю Грузию безопасной.
  • T
    В первую очередь, перестаньте думать о плохом. Грузия прекрасная страна. Много достопримечательностей. Вы проведете замечательный отдых. Тем более вы едете с друзьями. А в хорошей компании, как говорится, будет весело даже в самом скучном месте. Так что не переживайте.
  • К
    Советов очень много! Спасибо! Я думаю самое главное просто оставаться людьми и быть добрыми. Грузины славятся своим гостеприимством, поэтому нужно это уважать и не наглеть.