Why move your startup to Georgia? What You Should Know to Run a Profitable Business in Georgia

Стартап в Грузии

Georgia, which is gaining momentum in growth and development, is increasingly attracting startups to start businesses and companies of all kinds. The country is hospitable not only to tourists, but also to young entrepreneurs. Read in this article why this is the case and what you need to know to run a successful business in Georgia.

Advantages of Georgia for Startups

Innovative programs, special tax rates, incentives and other motivational projects attract entrepreneurs to do business in Georgia.

Due to the entry of new investments, the country's economy is developing and the standard of living of its citizens is rising. It is the government that is interested in increasing the number of startups. Therefore, amendments are regularly made to the legislation aimed at creating a comfortable business environment in Georgia.

Free services for startups in Georgia

There are laboratories and special agencies where aspiring entrepreneurs can take advantage of a huge range of services. These include incubators, laboratories, training centers, co-working spaces, and more.

Thanks to this kind of help, high tech is developing everywhere. Some concepts allow you to test a startup and determine ways to get it into a profitable and affordable project.

Support of the world community

Active economic development has made it possible for Georgia to become a leader in the world rankings of accessibility of doing business. First place in Europe and 7th in the world by this indicator clearly indicate the advantages and growth prospects for any entrepreneur.

Confidence in the future, reliable banking systems, and the absence of bureaucracy make life easier for startups in Georgia.

Tax benefits

Low tax rates for IT and other entrepreneurs ensure a regular influx of new startups.

With a competent approach to the choice of legal form and taxes, every businessman here can save on expenses and thus increase income.

Georgia IT start-ups have a 5% rate on dividends, 20% on income tax on employees' salaries and 2% on contributions to the Pension Fund. There is no income tax and no VAT for foreign contractors.

Who Funds Startups in Georgia

Финансирование стартапа

The Georgian government is interested in the development of the country, so it creates favorable conditions for startups. This approach of the government guarantees an inflow of foreign investments into the country.

Today every startup can try to get a development grant here. Let's talk about the largest sources of funding for startups in Georgia.

Startup Georgia

The program, a major component of Georgia's economic reform, aims to develop and support startups across the country. Since 2016, 3,000 applications have been processed.

The areas for participation in the program are limited, but these are the areas that are rapidly developing and making the most tangible contributions to the economy.


For startups on the border with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Georgia has created special grants that provide financing on special favorable terms.

Innovative enterprises are offered a long-term loan of up to 90% of the amount, with the growth of the project implying the withdrawal of 100% of the amount later as a free grant.

Produce in Georgia

The "Produce in Georgia" program was created to boost entrepreneurial activity inside the country. With its help, businessmen organize new jobs, expand production, and support operating companies.

A number of special conditions for recipients of this grant allow them to start creating new products within 2 years after being approved and receiving the loan, and within 1 year to expand their existing business.

Startuper TBC

Startups regularly need help and support in a variety of ways. From creating an idea for a business card to non-credit products. This is what the program is all about, where businesspeople get more than just financial support.

Bank of Georgia Female Start Upper

Funding for women helps women from all over the world to develop new companies and expand existing businesses.

The grant amount is up to one million GEL for a period of 5 years.

Registering a startup in Georgia

Регистрация стартапа

The government's actions aimed at increasing investment capital within the country have led to a transparent and simple system for registering new companies.

Preferential conditions for start-ups in Georgia, especially for the IT sector, help to register in 4 stages:

  1. Opening a company in the House of Justice remotely or in person.
  2. Requesting access to the tax office, getting a login and password for a registered company.
  3. Application for a virtual status of the company to the Ministry of Finance.
  4. Transfer of the received certificate to the tax inspectorate.

If you plan to move a startup to Georgia, you must either close the company and register it again in Georgia, or open a branch of the existing company.


  • С
    Из этой статьи я многое узнала. Спасибо за информацию каталогу Мадлоба.

    Довольно показательно, что правительство Грузии активно работает над тем, чтобы сделать свою страну привлекательной для молодых предпринимателей. Предоставление грантов для финансирования, специальные программы поддержки и минимизация бюрократии значительно облегчают начало нового бизнеса в Грузии для иностранных предпринимателей.

    Отдельным интересным аспектом является наличие грантов для женщин-предпринимателей в этой стране. Грузия с особым уважением относится к сектору малого бизнеса, что заметно

    . Иногда нам, россиянам, может быть даже проще начать дело там, чем на родине.Сегодня стартапы - это популярный способ начать своё дело. Не каждый готов рисковать и начинать с нуля, но уже существует множество успешных примеров, когда стартапы выросли до высокого уровня. Благодарим за информацию о стартапах в Грузии! Это ценная информация, особенно о государственной поддержке. Поддержка Бизнеса в Грузии: Стартапы, Гранты и Стремление к Развитию!
  • R
    Сегодня я с удовольствием познакомился с информацией о Грузии на madloba.info, а особенно меня заинтересовала статья о переводе стартапа в эту удивительную страну. Я всегда мечтал посетить Грузию, и теперь, узнав об этом потрясающем месте из самого большого справочника о стране, моё желание только усилилось.
    Эта информация вызвала у меня чувство вдохновения и желание как можно скорее посетить Грузию. Я уверен, что в этой стране есть огромный потенциал для развития моего бизнеса, и я уже начинаю планировать свою поездку. Большое спасибо madloba.info за такой полезный ресурс и отличную статью!
  • Y
    A great article that raises an important question about moving a startup to Georgia and running a profitable business in this country. Georgia has become an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors, and here's why:

    First, the business-friendly climate. Georgia has adopted a wide range of reforms to simplify the company registration process and reduce bureaucracy. This allows entrepreneurs to get their startups up and running quickly. In addition, low tax rates and a market economy create conditions for the development of profitable businesses.

    Second, a favorable investment environment. Georgia actively attracts foreign investments, providing various benefits and guarantees for investors. Thanks to this, startups can get access to financing, technical resources and experts, which contributes to their growth and development.

    Third, strategic geographic location. Georgia is a bridge between Europe and Asia, as well as an important transport and logistics hub. This provides access to a wide market and opportunities to export products or services.

    However, in order to do business successfully in Georgia, it is important to consider certain aspects. For example, knowledge of local laws, cultural sensitivities and business etiquette can be critical to success. Human resource management and partnership building processes are also worth paying attention to.

    In conclusion, relocating a startup to Georgia can be a great opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to expand their business. The country's favorable business climate, investment environment and strategic location make it an attractive location for entrepreneurs. he country's favorable business climate, investment environment and strategic location make it an attractive place for innovation and economic growth. To succeed, however, you must carefully study the local environment and tailor your strategy to it.
  • C
    Стартапы сегодня - это очень популярный вид начала бизнес деятельности. Не каждый рискнет начать что-то с нуля! Но сегодня уже можно найти массу примеров, когда стартапы масштабировались до действительно высокого уровня. Спасибо, что рассказали как обстоят дела со стартапами в Грузии! Это очень полезная информация, особенно, про государственную поддержку.
  • О
    Грузия очень трепетно относится к малому бизнесу, это заметно. Скорее нам, россиянам, проще открыть бизнес там, нежели на родине)
  • G
    Очень показательно, что правительство Грузии всячески старается сделать свою страну привлекательной для молодых предпринимателей. Получение грантов на финансирование, специальные программы поддержки и отсутствие бюрократии очень облегчает организацию нового бизнеса в Грузии для иностранных предпринимателей.Отдельный интерес представляет грант для бизнес-вумен.
  • И
    Очень полезная информация, благодарю! Не знала, что для роста предпринимательской деятельности внутри страны создана программа "Производи в Грузии". С её помощью бизнесмены организовывают новые рабочие места, расширяют производство и поддерживают работающие компании. Ряд особых условий для получателей этого гранта позволяет приступить к созданию новых продуктов в течение 2 лет после одобрения и получения кредита, и в течение 1 года для расширения имеющегося бизнеса.