Education for children in Georgia - educational institutions

In children's institutions in Tbilisi, it is possible to sign up for a month of classes of various directions or attend an individual one-time lesson. The organization has several rooms for developing mental or creative abilities, as well as a sports hall.

Here, your children can play football, basketball, dance, as well as draw, play musical instruments or sing. A friendly and sociable atmosphere is created, in which you can find friends and develop communication skills.

In addition, sports activities imply an atmosphere of competition, which develops leadership qualities, striving and perseverance on the path to achieving the goal. Professional teachers will help your child understand what he or she wants to do and what he or she is interested in studying and reading.

Come with your child to the first trial lesson in Tbilisi!

Детские учреждения

1 comment

  • F
    Оказывается, что в Тбилиси можно записаться на занятия различной направленности в течение месяца, либо получить индивидуальное разовое занятие. Ребенок может определиться нравится ему что-то или нет, хотел бы он дальше продолжать этим заниматься. В учреждениях присутствует дружественная атмосфера, дети учатся взаимодействовать друг с другом.