Georgian centers of sports medicine

The sports medicine clinic, located in Tbilisi, was created from a team of rehabilitation, manual therapy, and therapeutic and restorative physical culture specialists.

Here, anyone can receive psychological and physiological medical assistance after a severe injury.

The clinic will help you avoid future injuries using various modern methods. Sports medicine specializes in injuries of a wide range of athletes, such as rock climbers, volleyball players, wrestlers, strikers, football players, swimmers, athletes, and other professionals and amateurs.

In addition, there is an opportunity to prepare qualitatively for intense training or competitions. The following methods are primarily used: physiotherapy, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, and physical therapy, which meet European quality standards.

You can sign up for a consultation by phone!

Спортивная медицина и реабилитация

1 comment

  • А
    ЛФК - важнейшее, на мой взгляд, направление медицины. Это не просто физкультура или массаж. Это комплексное восстановление после серьезных травм и обычных рутинных тренировок спортсменов. Специалисты ЛФК и спортивного массажа, которые реально дают результат - на вес золота. Номера их телефонов передают из рук в руки. Важно найти грамотного специалиста, тогда можно многое исправить и улучшить в своем здоровье.