Where to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Georgia

You can get vaccinated against COVID-19 at any clinic or medical center in Georgia at a time convenient for you. The applied drug is modern and high-quality, and has been tested in numerous trials both abroad and in Georgia.

Thanks to this, it is possible to guarantee minimal negative consequences after vaccination. The procedure is absolutely painless. The COVID-19 vaccine causes the formation of acquired immunity, so you can be sure that severe acute respiratory syndrome will not affect you or your loved ones.

Before the procedure, an individual consultation is conducted to identify contraindications that prevent the administration of the vaccine. In Tbilisi, modern and high-tech equipment is used for storing the vaccine and its administration, which guarantees your safety. It is better to make an appointment for vaccination in clinics in Georgia in advance by phone.

Both children and adults can be vaccinated.

Вакцина от короновируса

1 comment

  • F
    С приходом в нашу жизнь ковида 19, прошло уже какое-то время, но говорим мы о нем до сих пор. Вместе с этим в борьбе с ним мы используем не только лекарства, но и вакцинацию. По всему миру ежедневно проводится эта процедура с целью обезопасить себя от этого страшного вируса. По результатам исследований наблюдают положительную динамику.