The history of Russian-Georgian relations and why Russians go to Georgia.

How and what are Russians doing in Georgia? The Russian population likes the modern country of opportunities and good-natured people. We wrote about all the important documents for moving, local salaries and special culture on madloba. Now about 60 thousand Russians live on the territory of Georgia.

Find out how Russians live in Georgia⬇️


Russia and Georgia have centuries-old relations. We have a common history, character traits and spiritual kinship, religion and culture. Vivid evidence of this:

  • the unforgettable film "Mimino";
  • favorite Georgian directors and artists — Georgy Danelia, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Sofiko Chiaureli, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, etc.;
  • "Georgian geography" in Russian cities — streets and squares of the same name, Sandunov baths in Moscow.

The friendship of peoples is not hindered by various political conflicts, relations between people at the everyday level practically do not change. Georgians are friendly and open to communication with people of any nationality, if they "came in peace."

History of Russian-Georgian relations

Even in the ancient Russian chronicles of the tenth century there are mentions of Georgia. Since the XV century, there have also been diplomatic relations. The ties of the states are now strengthening, then weakening, but they are not interrupted.

At the end of the XVIII century, George II asked the Russian tsar to accept his lands into the empire. Paul I, who was in power at that time, did not immediately agree. He understood that this burden is very heavy: Georgia is weakening not only from external enemies, it is being destroyed by internal strife. And yet, the emperor signs a decree on the accession of Kartli-Kakheti to the Russian Empire.

Whatever it was, the Russian Empire saved the Georgian nation from assimilation and genocide by neighboring countries, primarily Turkey and Persia.

The further history of the two countries is almost inextricably linked. Georgia was part of the Russian Empire from 1801 to 1917, and in 1922 Georgia became a republic within the Soviet Union. I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili), who led the USSR from 1924 to 1953, was born in the Georgian city Burn. He never forgot his homeland and spared no expense for the development of the republic.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), more than seven hundred thousand Georgians went to the front, about half of them did not return. They were courageous and brave soldiers. Many were awarded state awards, about a hundred people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the post-war period, the peoples of the USSR jointly restored the country. In Georgia, Soviet engineers built a unique hydroelectric power station on the river Hrami, designed bridges and roads.

Despite the events of the 1990s and the beginning of the XXI century, Russian-Georgian relations continue. Cultural and Orthodox ties remain strong. The older generation remembers life in the Soviet Union, when life was not as bad as some current politicians are trying to describe it.

Those residents of Georgia who grew up in Soviet times speak Russian well. Young people know English better. But with the development of tourism, now there is a need to study Russian again. It also remains the language of interethnic communication between residents of the former Soviet republics.

The Life of modern Georgia

Georgia is developing: roads are being built here, tourist facilities are being restored, enterprises are being opened, etc. But life here is not cloudless at all. Various political conflicts have a deplorable effect on the economy. It is believed that 365 thousand inhabitants of the country are below the poverty line.

There are also a lot of such people in Russia, it's difficult for them to live, they have to save for a long time for large purchases or vacations at the resort. Life in Georgia is much easier in this sense, because they have a resort almost outside the window.

Salaries and pensions

One of Georgia's problems is unemployment, so stable earnings are considered a great success.

There is no such thing as a minimum wage here. According to official data, the average salary is 28,000 rubles. But to many, this figure seems exaggerated. For example, the salary of a seller in the store it is only 350 GEL or 9000 rubles. State employees receive about 6000 rubles. The highest remuneration in financial, construction structures, as well as in the field of communication and information.

The retirement age for men is 65 years, for women - 60 years.

The pension amount is 200 lari or about 5000 rubles.

The main expenses are paying for housing and buying food. Buy a new apartment in Georgia not everyone can. The cost per square meter in new buildings of the capital is from 39,000 rubles in residential areas and up to 80,000 in the city center. On the Black Sea coast, the cost of an apartment starts from 3 million rubles. Renting an apartment in the center of Tbilisi will cost about 25,000 rubles, on the outskirts - 12,000 rubles. The amount of utility bills can be adjusted by saving electricity or gas. The fact is that there is no central heating in Georgia, each homeowner solves this problem independently. Electric and gas boilers and heating appliances are used.

The cost of products is relatively low by Russian standards. Below are the prices per kilogram for some products in 2019:

  • meat — 200 rubles;
  • cheese — 130 rubles;
  • lavash — 15 rubles;
  • milk — 35 rubles per liter;
  • potatoes — 15 rubles;
  • apples — 25 rubles.

In chain stores «Nugeshi» prices are lower, and you can bargain in the markets. Ordinary residents are looking for cheaper products and other goods, expensive and pretentious stores, for example, «Tbilisi Mall» they are not attracted.

Грузинские лари

Georgian centenarians

Difficulties and adversities do not prevent residents of Georgia from enjoying life. Local conditions: nature, healthy food and, possibly, natural wine — contribute to longevity.

In Georgia, the average life expectancy is about 72 years, in the northern regions people live longer. 472 people belong to the category of centenarians in the country.

In 2012, Antisa Khvichava died, according to documents, she lived for 132 years. I was active until the last days, I was going to study computer wisdom. Her title of the oldest person on Earth is confirmed by the certificate of the Guinness Book of Records.

According to many centenarians, the main thing is love of life, activity and physical labor.

Russian population of Georgia

As of January 1, 2019, 3,729,600 people live in Georgia. There is no exact information about the number of Russians among them, but about 30-60 thousand.

Georgia is a country where, according to various sources, people of 30 different nationalities and faiths get along peacefully. As a percentage, it looks like this:

  • Georgians — 83 %;
  • Azerbaijanis — 6.7 %;
  • Armenians — 5.7 %;
  • Russians — 1.5 %;
  • Ukrainians — 0.2 %

Ossetians, Greeks, Abkhazians, Chechens, etc. also live here.

The Government is constantly monitoring the demographic situation in the country. Benefits are provided to residents of high-altitude areas: they receive benefits at the birth of their first child and subsequent children until they are two years old. Therefore, the number of ethnic population is increasing.

The share of the Russian population is also growing, many are willing to move to Georgia for permanent residence.

In modern Tbilisi and other cities, public organizations have been created that unite compatriots living on the territory of Georgia. Among the largest:

  • "Fatherland" — the community is recognized as the most numerous;
  • Yaroslavna — association of Russian women;
  • Union of Cossacks.

These and other associations defend the rights of Russian-speaking residents of the country. At their request, the Georgian language exam was canceled when obtaining citizenship. Russian Russian records are kept in the areas where numerous Russian diasporas have settled. Russian residents keep customs, language and its culture.

Турист в районе старого Тбилиси


A total of 28 people work in Georgia educational institutions, where Russian-speaking children study, three of them are in Tbilisi. There are private and public schools with the Russian sector. Russian Russian has recently been considered a good form among the intelligentsia, so in some schools Russian is studied as a second foreign language.

Foreign-speaking students can study at universities without knowledge of the Georgian language, but on a fee basis. Leading higher education institutions have special sectors: English, German, Russian and French.

Репетитор грузинского языка


In 1845 in Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater, which has been named after A. Griboyedov since 1934, the first season of performances took place. M. Ermolova, K. Varlamov, M. Petipa and others worked on his stage. The theater is popular not only among the Russian-speaking population.

One of the oldest children's theaters in the Caucasus opened in Tbilisi in 1928. Since 1998, after the unification of the Georgian and Russian TYUZOV, it has been called the N. Dumbadze Central Children's Theater.

The Center of Russian Culture organizes concerts of famous Russian artists in Tbilisi and other cities of Georgia.

Тбилисский центр музыки и культуры Джансуга Кахидзе

Why do Russians go to Georgia

In recent years, many Russians, especially young people, have been going to Georgia. First they come to rest, then they stay here for a long time — they live and work. The reasons for this are different:

  • easy integration;
  • absence of a language barrier; climate and nature.

Georgian cities are often chosen for a comfortable life by freelancers: designers, programmers and all those who can work remotely. They are not geographically tied to their place of work, they earn much more than residents of Georgia. Therefore, they live quite well here. The local population and the authorities are very loyal to them.

Documents for entry

Since 2015, Russians do not need a visa to enter Georgia. You can live and work in the country for a whole year. After this period, it is enough just to go to a neighboring country. After crossing the border, the countdown begins anew, that is, you can stay for another year. You can obtain citizenship after six years of residence in the country.

Russians have different attitudes to life in Georgia. But most of the reviews are positive. It is noted that living here is cheaper than in large Russian cities, and the comfort level is close to European. The locals are friendly, they are friendly to all visitors.

An important role is also played by the fact that you do not need to go far from home for rest: there are sea and mountain resorts, amazing natural parks.

Загранпаспорт российского гражданина в руках молодого человека
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  • А
    Как чудесно видеть такую прекрасную статью о жизни русских в Грузии! Спасибо за этот увлекательный рассказ о том, как русским людям удается адаптироваться и находить свое место в этой замечательной стране. Очень интересно узнать о культурных особенностях и традициях, которые помогают им чувствовать себя как дома. Грузинская гостеприимность и теплота, безусловно, делают этот опыт еще более незабываемым. С нетерпением жду новых материалов о жизни и приключениях в этом удивительном уголке мира!
  • B
    Россия и Грузия с древних времён тесно связаны между собой. В советское время грузины и русские даже жили на территории одной большой страны. Поэтому эти народы и сейчас не теряют своей связи, в Грузии многие говорят на русском языке, русские ездят отдыхать в Грузию, где их радушно принимает местное населения. Неудивительно, что многие переезжают жить из России в Грузию.
    В статье указаны плюсы смены одной страны на другую. Безусловно их достаточно. Возможно, лишь политическая ситуация способна испортит российско-грузинские отношения, но судя по всему, пока дружба народов держится.
  • A
    На протяжении всей истории отношения двух стран складывались по-разному, и к сожалению не всегда с положительной стороны. Конечно на данный момент,отношения значительно ухудшилось и можно понять почему. Желающих переехать в Грузию всегда было и будет много. Это потрясающая страна с очень чуткими и отзывчивыми людьми.
  • A
    Очень здорово что нас с Грузией связывает такая большая история, пусть и не всегда приятная. Все больше и чаще задумываюсь о переезде в Грузию. Конечно есть и свои минусы там, как и везде в целом. Но в большей степени вижу только плюсы, приятный климат, гостеприимный народ, огромное количество достопримичательностей и развлечений. И что не мало важно, я вижу там большой потенциал для дальнейшей работы.
  • A
    В статье описано очень много нюансов, для того, чтобы иметь вид на жительство в Грузии. Сам я учусь на программиста и планировал тоже менять место жительства. Читая статьи на Мадлоба, я вижу, что Грузия прекраснейшая страна с очень богатым культурным наследием, чудесными традициями и очень дружелюбным населением. Но к сожалению, всерьез я смогу об этом думать только когда получу профессию в руки, так как подработки в Грузии не прокормят.
  • B
    Очень познавательная статья об истории российско-грузинских отношений! Автор детально рассказывает что так сильно связывает эти 2 страны! У них общая история, черты характера и духовное родство, религия и культура. Одним из ярких примеров является фильм «Мимино». В общем обязательно ознакомьтесь с информацией!
  • L
    Интересно было узнать об истории российско-грузинских отношений. Эта статья помогла мне разобраться в этом вопросе и узнать много нового для себя. Также меня интересует жизнь в современной Грузии. Согласна с тем, что молодёжь сейчас лучше знает английский. Ведь это действительно так! В целом мне было очень интересно прочитать данную статью!
  • К
    Удивительная страна все таки Грузия. Антиса Хвичава прожила 132 года! и является самым долгим долгожителем! Это удивительно. Но печалит конечно финансовое положение людей в стране..поразительно..такая страна и столько возможностей, а люди бедствуют. Надеюсь в будущем все изменится.
  • B
    Неплохое образование для детей - круто. Доступные и недорогие продукты помогают обустроится в Грузии на первых этапах без проблем. Грузия привлекает, в первую очередь своим климатом. Очень прекрасная погода. Возможно, когда-нибудь я приеду в Грузию и останусь жить там. Но для начала хочу посетить другие страны, чтобы было с чем сравнивать. Интересная статья, спасибо.
    • B
      Все-таки это очень здорово, что между Россией и Грузией такие хорошие отношения! Мне очень понравилась эта статья, спасибо большое автору за его работу и старание! Обязательно и вы ознакомьтесь с информацией, представленной здесь! Эти две страны связывает очень много, образование, медицина и т д !
  • A
    Поэтому в Грузии нет проблем с русским языком, много кто разговаривает на русском, ну и то что русскоязычные школы тоже огромный плюс для молодежи и переезжающих в страну.
  • И
    Ну думала, что в Грузии проживает так много русского народа. И приятно удивлена, что в этой стране созданы все условия для комфортного проживания других народов. Наличие русских учебных заведений привлекает молодёжь для переезда в эту гостеприимную страну. А также отсутствие бумажной бюрократии для проживания других народов упрощает жизнь приезжих. Свежий морской воздух, чистая вода, кругом природа все это положительно влияет на организм человека и привлекает гостей. А лояльное отношение к гражданам других стран вызывает большое уважение к власти страны.