Resorts that are away from cities in Georgia. Tskhrajvari resort.

Tskhrajvari resort is located on the slope of the Nakerali ridge, which offers a beautiful view of the panorama of natural expanses. The resorts in this area help in the treatment of many diseases, including pneumonia. Definitely recommend visiting this place to improve your health.

The historical and geographic area of western Georgia, Okriba, covers the territory of today's Tkibuli municipality. There are many mines here: chalcedony, barite, quartz sand, marble, basalt, agate, refractory and cement clay, teshenite...

And the administrative center of Tkibuli is known as a mining town. Mining of coal in Tkibuli began in the middle of the XIX century, although thanks to archaeological excavations we know that ore was extracted here at the end of the II millennium BC.



The main water artery of Okribi is the Ccalcitela River ("red water"). The name is due to the reddish hue of the water, which it receives from the washing of iron-bearing clay at the source of the stream. Tskaltsitela originates from the southern slope of the Nakerala Range, crosses the Okriba and merges with the Quirila River. The relief of the Tskaltsitela channel creates ideal conditions for the habitat of many species of fish. The barbel, ostrochnika, myron barbel, chub, catfish and perch are abundant here, while in the delta it is possible to find catfish and perch.

On the territory of the municipality there are also several resort areas. Among them is the children's health resort Svcire, (where various kinds of allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, congenital heart defect and bronchial asthma are treated), and balneo-climatic resort Kursebi, known for its nitrogen, weak-sulfate, hydro-carbonate, magnesium-calcium mineral waters, used for treating diseases of the locomotive system and the peripheral nervous system, as well as diseases of the gynecological profile.

On the southern slope of the Nakerali range, from the mountain Tskhrajvari, located at an altitude of 1370 m above sea level, there is a wonderful panorama of the city of Tkibuli. In the 80s of the XX century there was a boarding house on the mountain of all-union importance. It was connected to the city by ropeway. The air of Tskhrajvari and the climate of the caves there helps to cure many diseases.

Location: The southern slope of the Nakerali ridge.

Distance: from Kutaisi - 50 km, from Tbilisi - 230 km.

Height above sea level: 1350 m.

Relief: mountain-hilly.

Climate: characteristic of the low belt of the middle mountains. Winter is cold and mild. Average temperature in January -4.8°C. Summer is moderately warm. Average temperature in August 18.5 ° C.

Average annual precipitation: 1400 mm.

Average relative humidity per year: 74%.

Duration of sunshine per year: 1700-1800 h.

Natural healing factors: climate of the low belt of the middle mountains, karst caves.

Types of treatment: passive climatotherapy.

Therapeutic indications: pathologies of the cardiovascular system, functional disorders of the nervous system, iron deficiency anemia.


If you're looking for a place to relax and improve your health at the same time, Tskhrajvari Resort in West Georgia is the right place for you. Located on the slope of the Nakerali Range, this resort offers a beautiful view of the panorama of natural expanses. Here you can get medical treatment and strengthen your lungs thanks to the air rich in minerals and oxygen, which is beneficial for the respiratory system. Resorts in this area help in the treatment of many diseases, including pneumonia. Visiting this corner of Georgia, you are sure to improve your health and enjoy the beauty of this unique place.

However, Western Georgia is not only known for its resorts, but it is also a region rich in resources. The historical and geographical area of Okriba, which covers the territory of today's Tkibuli municipality, is known for its numerous mines. Chalcedony, barite, quartz sand, marble, basalt, agate, refractory and cement clay, teshenite and other minerals are mined here. The administrative center of Tkibuli is known as a mining town. Coal mining began here in the middle of the 19th century, although archaeological excavations have shown that ore was extracted here as early as the end of the 2nd millennium BC. The region has great potential in the mining industry, which makes it not only a tourist destination but also an economically important region. Most of the mines are located in the mountains and have been producing resources here for over 2,000 years. Many of these mines are still active and contribute to the economic development of the region.

The resort is a wonderful place to treat many ailments, including pneumonia. However, in addition to helping restore health, it also offers beautiful views of the natural expanse. A breathtaking panorama opens up from the top of the ridge, and the main waterway of Okriba, the Tskaltsitela River, adds its beauty to this scenery. The name of the river comes from the reddish hue of the water it receives from the washing of the iron-bearing clay at the source of the stream. The topography of the riverbed creates ideal habitat for many species of fish. Barbus (barbel), ostrolyuchki, myron barbel and chub are found here in abundance. Even catfish and perch can be found in the delta. This river will be a real paradise for fans of fishing, as well as for all those who like to swim in the cool waters and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Okriba is a historical and geographical area of West Georgia, rich in cultural heritage and historical monuments. The area is home to many cultural and religious monuments, including churches and monasteries, which are popular tourist destinations for many travelers.

The described place, where Mount Tskhrajvari is located, is a wonderful place for treatment and recreation. Among the natural healing factors stands out the climate of the low belt of the middle mountains, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. The climate of Tkibuli is characterized as cold, mild in winter and moderately warm in summer. The average temperature in January is -4.8°C and in August it is 18.5°C. The amount of annual precipitation in the area is about 1400 mm and the average relative humidity is 74%. The duration of sunshine per year is 1700-1800 hours. Karst caves, which are located on the territory of the mountain, are also a natural healing factor. Due to the peculiarities of mountain relief and climate on the mountain there was a boarding house of all-union importance, which took patients with various diseases.

Today on the mountain you can enjoy the wonderful panorama of Tkibuli, as well as receive treatment and rest. In the area of the mountain there is children's health resort Svtsire, which specializes in the treatment of various kinds of allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, congenital heart disease and bronchial asthma, and balneo-climatic resort Kursebi, which uses nitrogen, weak sulfide, hydrocarbonate, magnesium-calcium mineral waters for treating diseases of musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system, as well as gynecological diseases.

Visiting Tskhrajvari can not only have a positive effect on health, but also provide an unforgettable experience thanks to the beautiful views and clean mountain air. If you have any questions or comments about this article, feel free to ask them in the comments below. We will try to answer all your questions and take your comments into account in future articles.

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  • А
    Как же замечательно провести время в Чрадзвари! Этот курорт просто восхитителен своей красотой и уютом. Здесь каждая деталь продумана до мелочей для того, чтобы создать атмосферу расслабления и наслаждения. Я была в восторге от красоты природы в этом уникальном месте. Прогулки по окрестностям, погружение в теплые источники – это настоящее блаженство для тела и души. Настоящий рай для отдыха и восстановления сил!
  • E
    Курорт Цхраджвари - это ещё одно красивое местечко. Здесь можно не только дышать свежим воздухом и наслаждаться ландшафтами природы, но и полечиться людям с патологиями сердечно-сосудистой системы, функциональными нарушениями нервной системы, железнодефицитной анемии, а также пациентам с различными видами аллергии, бронхита, воспаления легких, бронхиальной астмы.
  • K
    Какой интересный курорт и город шахтеров Ткибули,читаю статью и понимаю что как ничтожно мало мы знаем о Великой Грузии,сколько там поистине красивых и полезных мест.Хорошо что на территории муниципалитета есть детский оздоровительный курорт Свцире, где лечат различные виды аллергии, бронхиты и другие заболевания.Надо взять на заметку и при возможности посетить это место!
  • B
    С высот данного курорта открываются просто нереальные красоты, а именно прекрасный вид на панораму природных простор. Я очень люблю подобные места, и всегда беру их на заметку, чтобы обязательно посетить в будущем! Ведь когда начинаешь планировать отдых, сразу возникают проблемы, то с погодой, то с еще какими-нибудь факторами!
  • C
    Такой вид просто захватывает дух, это же полное уединение с природой и не тронутое рукой человека) нереальное ощущение свободы и просторов ощущается при просмотре фотографии и при прочтении статьи) это очень круто! Спасибо большое автору за статью)
  • A
    На склоне Накеральского хребта, с горы Цхраджвари открывается чудесная панорама города Ткибули. С городом его связывала канатная дорога.
    Климат средних гор, зима холодная, лето умеренно тёплое.
    Исцеляются сердце, нервы, железодефицитная анемия и ряд других заболеваний, также и детских.
  • A
    Расстояние от Тбилиси 230 км, высота 1350 м. Ткибули известен как город шахтёров. Добыча каменного угля началась в середине XIX века, хотя руду здесь добывали в конце II тысячелетии до н.э. Здесь много рудников: добывают халцедон, барит, кварцевый песок, мрамор, базальт, агат, огнеупорную и цементную глину.
    Здесь протекает река Цкалцитела – "красная вода". Красноватый оттенок она получает при промывании железосодержащей глины у истоков течения.
  • Е
    Спасибо, что знакомите нас с курортами Грузии. Еще один замечетельный курорт Цхраджвари. Ткибули известен, как добывающий полезные ископаемые, город. Это город рудников. Помимо этого, здесь есть курортные места, такие как Свцире и Курсебе. Мне было интересно посмотреть санаторий, который располагался на горе Цхраджвари, но думаю, увы, он не сохранился.
    • И
      Не перестаю удивляться, какие красивые и лечебные курорты, очень хочу узнать побольше, о санатории и впринцепе, о «ЦХРАДЖВАРИ». Очень интересно узнать, что то новое. О Грузии и да, очень радует, что рельеф русла Цкалцитела создаёт очень хорошие условия для обитания рыб. Очень интересно было почитать про эту статью! )
    • И
      Название связано с красноватым оттенком воды, который она получает при промывании железосодержащей глины у истоков течения. Цкалцитела берёт своё начало с южного откоса Накеральского хребта, пересекает Окрибу и сливается с рекой Квирила. Рельеф русла Цкалцитела создаёт идеальные условия для обитания многим видам рыбы.