Manavi Fortress in Sagarejo, an example of feudal Georgian architecture and one of the most beautiful sights of Georgia.

The Manavi fortress complex is one of the most beautiful places in Georgia, it consists of several buildings - an excursion here will be fascinating for children and adults. You will be able to see the citadel, the castle, which is located inside the fortress walls and three churches

The Manavi Fortress complex is a vivid example of the architecture of the decline of feudalism in Kakheti, the very period to which the most beautiful places of Georgia belong, well, or at least some of the most beautiful.

Location: Kakheti region, near the village of Manavi, Sagarejo municipality.

Arriving at the place and carefully examining the castle, it becomes noticeable that the construction took place in several stages. The first, he is the main, stage fell on the 10th-11th centuries, the newer on the 16th and 17th centuries. As you have already understood, the history of the name is typical for most buildings of that period. The name was given to the small village of Manavi, near which the fortress is located.

Now let's turn to the architecture of the complex. From the outside, it can be seen that the fortress is divided into 2 main parts. The first is the citadel, which is located on a hill. The second is the so-called lower fortress. The upper part is residential and utility rooms protected by a defensive wall, the lower part is the first and main defense, which was supposed to detain the enemy and keep him away from the heart of the complex, allowing him to seize a favorable combat position.

The castle's own fence consists of 4 round towers, from which the terrain was perfectly visible. Most likely, it was here that the main observation post was located, a signal should have been received from here in case of danger.

Like any fortress, Manavi had several entrances, the main one of which was located in the northern part. It was through him that the kings and their retinue came to their possessions. Unfortunately, not all the components of the fortress have survived to our time. But even that is enough to understand how and for what they built at that time, what they emphasized.

Now the complex includes the following buildings:

  • the inner castle (the latest of all the buildings of the complex);
  • citadel (upper defensive complex);
  • ruins of the former tower house; small tower;
  • 3 churches (the large church of the Holy Virgin, the small church and the church of St. George);
  • the lower fortress (the first line of defense on the enemy's path);
  • water reservoir.
Комплекс Крепости Манави в Кахетии

The history of the fortress is very fascinating, though quite mysterious. The reason for this is the strategic importance of the structure and the fact that very little information has been preserved about it.

Since the location on the mountain gave an overview in all directions within a radius of 10-15 kilometers, it was extremely important to prevent the enemy from reaching this point, otherwise it would be almost impossible to regain their positions.

From the few records preserved in a number of historical documents, it is possible to learn that back in 1724, life was in full swing in the fortress: the owners and their servants went about their business, held events. However, this is almost the only data.

From the manuscripts it is possible to collect information only about the first 2 decades of the 18th century. So, we know that at the beginning of the 18th century, it was here that King David II of Kakheti (Imam Kuli Khan) lived and led the state from here.

Judging by the different styles of construction, it can be assumed that the king lacked those structures that were already part of the fortress, so he begins the construction of the palace. The importance of the complex is also shown by the fact that in 1712 King Teimuraz II played his wedding here and for the following years lived in the fortress of Manavi.

For some time after that, the fate of the fortress is not covered by any of the chronicles known to us. And the following information dates back to 1772. It was written by Johann Antonovich Guldenstedt, a naturalist and traveler whose task was to describe the Caucasus within the Astrakhan province alone.

However, he was so inspired that he went to study Northern Kazkaz and Georgia on his own. Thanks to his scientific notes, we were able to supplement the known information. So, Guldenstedt writes that the village of Manavi is almost completely destroyed, and the remaining population has gone north, over a steep hill.

This is the end of the historical data about the fortress and its fate can only be guessed. Judging by what we see now, the former owners have found a new place for themselves, and they completely forgot about it. Without constant monitoring of the condition, the fortress simply began to collapse and about half of the complex has reached our days.

Средневековая крепость Манави

For travelers who love dilapidated antiquity, not spoiled by a hasty reconstruction, this place can be a real find. By the way, for those who are fond of artistic photography, Manavi is just a gift of fate: the intersection of nature and architecture, modern life and bygone history.

The main thing is to feel the plot, which allows you to create a special magic in the lens.

If you look at the hill from a bird's-eye view, it seems that nature has slowly begun to absorb the creation of human hands. Grass and trees are already growing even on observation towers and passages, on defensive walls. It is possible that for another couple of centuries and without human intervention, nothing will remain of the fortress at all.

Therefore, if you are going to visit us, do not forget to add the Manavi fortress complex to your list of "what to see in Georgia" in order to leave your memories and photos to descendants who may not get this beauty anymore.

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  • Y
    В моем сердце еще не утихли трепет и восхищение от незабываемого путешествия в Сагареджо, и я просто не могу не поделиться своими эмоциями о посещении Комплекса Крепости Манави в Кахетии. Это место захватывает своей историей и величием! Когда впервые увидела эту крепость, мое сердце словно остановилось от изумления. Ее величественные стены и старинные башни казались мне нереальными. Погружаясь внутрь, я прониклась энергией и духом прошлого. Множество развалин и уцелевших сооружений рассказывали свою историю, заставляя меня с удивлением и благоговением созерцать прошлые века. Виды, открывающиеся с вершины крепости, захватывают дух своей красотой и мощью природы. Этот магический комплекс оставил в моей душе незабываемый отпечаток, и я всем рекомендую познакомиться с ним, чтобы ощутить величие истории, охватывающей каждый камень этой удивительной крепости.
  • K
    Интересная информация особенно для тех путешественников, которые любят полуразрушенную старину, не испорченную реконструкцией на скорую руку Крепостной комплекс Манааи может оказаться настоящей находкой.
  • B
    Очень жаль, что с годами подобные достопримечательности теряют первозданный облик! Крепостной комплекс Манави - это одно из самых красивых мест в Грузии! В свое вермя имела стратегическое значение для города. Экскурсия сюда будет интересна для любого возрастной категории. Весь комплекс состоит из: цитадели, замка, и три церкви.
  • V
    Какая великолепная статья! Как точно и тонко подмечены все плюсы и минусы достопримечательности "крепость Малави"! И как жаль, что правительство Грузии так мало внимания уделяет сохранению исторического наследия страны. Очень странно, что такое стратегически важное место было оставлено. Вилимо, дела у царства пошли совсем плохо, иначе как можно объяснить такое небрежение? Мадлоба за интересный рассказ!
  • И
    Крепость стратегически очень удачно расположили, и пожалуй Армази одна из главных достопримечательностей страны. Зато оборона такой крепости значительно упрощалось Меня как историка и археолога эти исторические и архитектурные памятники-крепости очень завораживают своей духом средневековья. Очень интересна историческая справка про крепость.
  • И
    Как любитель старых и древних старения, конечно же хотелось бы увидеть своими глазами комплекс крепости Манави в Кахетии. Ведь такие места всегда богаты своим историями. Прочитав как существовал в те времена крепость уже ощущается некая таинственность этих мест. И пока природа полностью не поглотила крепость обязательно стоит его посетить, посмотреть руины и внутренности крепости.