Tsebelda fortress in Abkhazia, Georgia.

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  • Description

In the village of Tsebelda, located in the municipality of the Gudauta region of Abkhazia, stands the Tsebelda Fortress - an architectural monument remarkable for its historical significance. Today, despite the occupation of the territory of Abkhazia by the Russian Federation, this complex continues to impress with its majestic beauty and rich history.

Majestic observation towers, ancient church buildings, palace ruins and fortifications create an impressive ensemble. In one of the churches of the Tsebelda fortress, archaeologists discovered unique fragments of fresco painting that reveal ancient stories.

In the 6th century, the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea described the Tsebelda fortress as a key fortification in the defense system of the Laz kingdom. It was a well-fortified structure that occupied a strategic position. Today, despite the challenges of time, the length of the fortress fence is 150 meters and its width is 50 meters. Powerful towers rise in the corners of the fence; the northwestern tower with a semicircular outline is especially impressive. Three windows on the north side of this tower complement the image, giving it a special mystery.

The condition of the complex requires attention and care, but despite the challenges of the time, the Tsebelda Fortress continues to be an important evidence of the rich history of Georgia. We invite researchers and history buffs on a fascinating journey into the past, where each stone of this architectural miracle will tell its own unique story.

Visitors to the Tsebeldin Fortress will discover the grandeur of antiquity and the beauty of the Georgian heritage. This place is worth visiting for everyone who appreciates unique historical sites surrounded by the majestic nature of Abkhazia.

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Tsebelda village, Gudauta municipality, Abkhazia, Georgia
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  • В
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    Красивое место. Впечатляет. Рекомендую к посещению!

  • natali mkrtchan
    gray stars
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    მაგარი სახე. და ციხე გემს ჰგავს.

  • Oksana Ostapova
    gray stars
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    Посещение Цебельдинской крепости было поистине захватывающим опытом для нашей семьи. Нас поразила не только величественная архитектура этого древнего комплекса, но и его богатая история, пронизанная событиями и легендами. Мы ощутили глубокое уважение к этому месту, которое продолжает удивлять и вдохновлять даже сегодня, несмотря на сложности с политическим статусом его местоположения. Каждый уголок этой крепости казался пропитанным историей, а виды на окружающие горы и долины заставляли нас восхищаться этой невероятной природной красотой.